Moving Part 2

"Grandma, I'm home!" Shen Xia yelled out as she entered the house. She was followed by Quan Xinya, Lilith, and Shen Lingxin. 

"Xiaxia, why are you…. Little Xin, why are you here!?" Zi Shu was stunned to see Shen Lingxin walking through the door. 

"I..." Shen Lingxin did not know what to say. She was still lost in everything that happened.

"Grandma, Xin'er will be living with us from now on. I will be adopting her. She has nothing to do with Shen Xu anymore or Shen Bai." Shen Xia explained lightly. She did not wish to have Shen Lingxin break down crying again.  "Anyway, Grandma, come on, we need to pack up. Grandpa will be sending people over soon to help us move." 

"Huh!? Xiaxia! Explain more of what is going on! What do you mean adopted? What is this about moving!?" Zi Shu was very confused as to what was going on. She had been at home all day doing her daily routine, and now all of a sudden, her Xiaxia was adopting her cousin, and they were suddenly moving.

"I will explain in the other room. Lilith, can you take Xin'er and show her to my room?" Shen Xia gave Lilith a slight nod. 

Lilith nodded back to show she understood before grabbing Shen Lingxin's hand and saying: "Come, I will take you to Xiaxia's room." 

"Huh? Okay…" Shen Lingxin was in a daze as she allowed Lilith to pull her along. 

Lilith smiled and sent a telepathic message to Quan Xinya. "Guard the door. I am making sure Shen Lingxin has no other motives." 

At first, Quan Xinya was startled by the voice entering her head. She looked over at Lilith, who gave her a nod and quickly understood. She nodded back and went to stand by the door. Inside the room, Lilith closed the door and faced Shen Lingxin. "Shen Lingxin, look into my eyes." 

Shen Lingxin felt a sudden urge to look into Lilith's eyes. This was the power of suggestion that Vampires had. It was very strong, and most humans could not resist it. Shen Lingxin was no exception. 

Once Lilith had Shen Lingxin's attention, her eyes began to glow, causing Shen Lingxin's eyes to grow heavy. "Shen Lingxin. Tell me, why are you getting close to Shen Xia?"

"I have overheard many conversations within my family about how they tormented and treated Xiaxia. The more I heard, the angrier I got. I couldn't stand my own family as they only saw Xiaxia as an obstacle in acquiring everything the Shen family has. I wanted to help her somehow, so I pleaded with my mother to let me go to the same school as my sister. In the end, I had to offer up the shares my father gave me in the Shen Corporation to my mother in order to allow me to transfer into third high school. 

"From there, I found out everything my sister did and how Xiaxia, who never did anything wrong, was being treated on a daily basis. I guess you could say that not all of my reasons for joining third high was not selfish. I also wished to know what a loving family was like. I thought maybe if I stuck up for Xiaxia, she would care for me like a little sister.  I never expected that not only would I be getting rid of my cold, ruthless family but that I would also be adopted by Xiaxia, who not only protected me without a second thought but also hugged me when I was crying, giving me the warmth of familial love I so desired." 

"I see… If that is the case, I will ask you to do two things. First, never expose anything about Shen Xia for as long as you live. And second, protect Shen Xia with your life when she is in danger. Do you understand?" Lilith was now planting these two suggestions into Shen Linxin's mind. This would seal the deal in allowing Shen Lingxin to be around Shen Xia.

"Yes… I will never expose anything about Xiaxia as long as I live, and I will also protect her with my life." Shen Lingxin replied in an almost robotic fashion. 

Lilith nodded and then snapped her fingers. "Xin'er, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Shen Lingxin was a little out of it. She felt like she had just woke up from a deep sleep.

"I asked... What do you think of Xiaxia's room?" Lilith asked with a smile as she sent a message to Quan Xinya that it was safe for her to enter now.

While the three girls were in Shen Xia's room, Shen Xia was in the kitchen with her grandmother. "So that is what happened."

"This… Xiaxia, you are a smart girl!" Zi Shu smiled and hugged Shen Xia. "To think you would come up with such a thing on the spot like that."

"I just couldn't see Xin'er, who was still young and innocent, being corrupted by her family after she came forward about the posts. Lilith will find out if she has other motives, which we can just work around for the time being." Shen Xia did not tell her grandmother that she was having Lilith implant a suggestion in Shen Lingxin's mind that would make it so that she would not harm her. She knew if she did that her grandmother would not allow it.

"Good… Good... But what about your appearance..." Zi Shu was worried.

"I do not think we need to worry about that. Since she is young, no one would believe her unless they saw it for themselves, and as of now Quan Xinya and Lilith will be staying with us as well. So even if she tried to take pictures with these two guarding me she would not succeed." Shen Xia did her best to calm her grandmother's doubts. 

"That's good. I will also keep an eye on her. Xiaxia you must be careful. If that bastard son of mine wanted you to be the one to adopt her then he must have some cruel scheme planned for later on."