Tail Fluffing

"Such a long and tiring day..." Shen Xia was currently wearing a t-shirt that went down to her mid-thigh and a pair of white panties. She found this to be the most comfortable now that she had a tail. Her normal pajama bottoms felt too tight near her tail base, where her underwear was able to sit just below it without sliding up or down. 

Shen Xia was currently lying back with her hand covering her eyes as she thought about the entire day's events. As she laid there, her mind began to wander to Lilith's supposed uncle. The handsome devilish man whose looks and smile were enough to make her heart beat fast while at the same time causing all of her instincts to scream danger. "That man must be a devil."

"Not a devil, a vampire."

"Mmm… right a vampire…. Wait!" Shen Xia quickly sat up and looked at the handsome man in front of her., who was casually standing in her room as if it was natural. All her hair began to stand up on end. "How did you get in!?" 

Before Kable could answer, Shen Xia waved her hands back and forth  in front of her as she said: "No, never mind that, leave before I scream!" Shen Xia clutched her blanket nervously as she covered herself. She knew he had already probably gotten a good look, but she was not on display for anyone.

"My silly little Fluff Fluff, even if you were to scream, no one would even hear you. This whole room is now blocked off. No one will come here no matter what I did." Kable smiled and licked his sexy lips. His body flashed, and before Shen Xia could even react, she found herself sitting in the handsome man's lap! He had picked her up and switched places with her in almost an instant. 

Shen Xia was frozen in place. All she could smell was the hint of mint that came off the man's body. Her cheeks were bright red as she sat there stiff as a board. She had never been in such close contact with a man before. But here she was wearing nothing but a long shirt and a pair of panties sitting in a man's lap!  The next thing she knew, she felt his fingers running through her tail, sending a shiver up her spine and waking her up from her daze. 

"What are you doing!?" Shen Xia tried to get up, but the hand on her waist held her firmly in place. "Let go!"

"Why are you in such a rush. I just got here. But I must say I might get addicted to this. Say Fluff Fluff, can I brush your tail?" Kable looked down and asked in earnest. His eyes showed no signs of any other motives. 

Of course, Shen Xia was not going to think such things. "No! Now let go of me and leave!"

"But I think I deserve a present for my amazing acting earlier, no? I was able to help you through such a tough situation." If Lilith were to see her Master right now, she would think he was possessed. Because the way he was looking at Shen Xia was as if he had been thoroughly wronged.

Shen Xia gritted her teeth. She turned to look at the handsome man but had to quickly turn away. He was too handsome! The one look just now was enough to make her heart beat out of her chest! Puffing her cheeks out in anger and aggravation, she reached down to pinch the man's arms, hoping he would let go, but it seemed he did not know pain. Seeing how her plan failed, Shen Xia let out an annoyed, defeated sigh as she said: "I do thank you for what you did today, but that does not mean I should allow you to brush my tail!" 

"Then..." Kable's lips curled up into a mischievous smile as he reached out and grabbed Shen Xia's chin and turned her face towards him. Shen Xia's eyes were now filled with Kable's handsome face causing her words of complaint to get caught in her throat and her whole face to turn red. She wanted nothing more than to claw this man to death, but for some reason, it seemed she was unable to enter the fox mode she was in before when they first met. But right now, she had no time to think about anything because Kable's handsome face was growing closer to hers, ever so slowly. 

"Okay, brush my tail!" Shen Xia panicked as she finally caved. If he got any closer, their lips would touch! She would much rather he brushed her tail!

Kable chuckled and smiled brightly after getting his way. He waved his hand, and the brush that was sitting at her bedside flew into his hand. "Come sit between my legs." 

Shen Xia felt Kable release her but decided it was best not to run. She did not wish for this man to take even more advantage of her.  She got up and adjusted her position, making sure to pull her shirt down hard so he couldn't see anything before sitting back down. "Hurry, and then leave."

"Mmm… don't worry. I will make sure to do a good job." Kable's voice floated into her ear, causing them to twitch. She then felt his big hand on her head, gently scratching behind her ears. One thought came to mind… He was treating her like a damn pet! It seemed everyone wished to treat her like a pet!

But what made things worse was she couldn't help but close her eyes because the sensation felt calming! This made Shen Xia curse not only Kable but herself in her heart. But the calming sensation was just too much causing her eyes to begin to grow heavy. For some reason, all of her nerves seemed to relax when this man scratched her ears gently like this, and before she knew it, all the day's stress was washed away, and she fell asleep! 

"Very soft and fluffy. Fluff Fluff if you find a spot that you like… Oh? To think she fell asleep." Kable smiled and gently rested her head on his chest while he went to work, indulging himself in brushing her tail. He found it strange himself that he could not resist this little fox. She was supposed to have the blood he had searched years for, but once he met her, he could not bring himself to harm her. Those eyes that gazed at him with suspicion and the tail and ears that matched her so well. He wanted to fluff them on the spot. And now, here she was with a small bit of petting, sleeping defenselessly in his arms after showing much wariness towards him. "I will need to be careful, or she may just get stolen away from me…. But for now, before she wakes, I will fluff her tail for a little while longer."