A Warm Visit

After such a long day, Shen Xia stripped down and got on her normal shirt and panties combo to get ready for bed. But as she sat down to give her tail a good brushing, she felt a breeze blow by her, and the scent of mint filled her nose as she found herself in a warm embrace. This caused her face to sink. Knowing it was useless to try to escape, Shen Xia let out an annoyed sigh and asked: "Mr. Vorn, why are you here?" while pulling her shirt down between her legs.

"I came to see my Fluff Fluff." Kable's melodic voice entered Shen Xia's ears, causing them to twitch. She had to admit his voice was very sexy. 

"I do not believe there is anything for us to talk about or any reason for you to keep appearing in my room without notice..." Shen Xia turned and looked up at the handsome man's face with a serious expression. But as soon as her eyes met his, her cheeks began to turn red, and she quickly turned away.

"You will be my future wife. Why do I need to have a reason to come and visit?" Kable asked with a bit of amusement in his voice. He was amused by the fact that she was not trying to run away this time, even though she still seemed to be too shy to look him directly in the eye. He found this to be quite amusing.

Shen Xia pursed her lips and looked back up at him with raised an eyebrow and asked: "Who's your future wife!? Did I agree to this?"

"Hmm? Not yet, but we do not know what the future will hold. How is your cultivation going?" Kable decided to change the subject. He did not wish to annoy his Fluff Fluff, not when she was being obedient and sitting in his lap. 

Hearing the word cultivate made Shen Xia pout. She swung her bare legs back and forth before leaning her head back and resting it on Kable's chest. She had no idea why she was so comfortable around this man. Even after such a dream, she still felt as if he would never do anything to harm her. She felt safe. She found it weird since they have only ever had ambiguous meetings, but this time and the last time he appeared in her room, he was always gentle and never tried to go too far. Even now, she knew she could easily get up and run away, but she did not feel she needed to, and she liked his scent very much. It calmed and relaxed her. All her stress from the day seemed to melt away while in his embrace.

After contemplating this and gathering her thoughts on how to explain what she felt, she answered: "I seem to be stuck. It's hard to explain. Like I can feel the wall to the second stage, but I can not seem to break through it and reach the goal. If that makes any sense." 

Kable fell into deep thought. He did not know much about cultivation as only a few races did it, but he did know a few things. "From my understanding, if you are stuck at a spot in your cultivation, it is not about trying to force your way through but waiting for the opportunity to actually breakthrough. 

"How are your current fighting abilities? Do you think you can handle yourself if were to face a knife or a gun?" Kable asked.

Shen Xia shook her head. "No, right now, my stamina is lacking. Even as I am now, I can't even keep up with Xinya and Lilith. It's like night and day, even when I wear weights all day and run back and forth to school. But…. I only just started body training. As for fighting, I do know enough to deal with some street thugs but not more than one or two. Lilth said she would train me later in fighting after my stamina is higher." 

  "Follow her training routine, and within a month or two. You will be able to keep up with her no problem. Do not think you are weak because by no means are you even close to being weak. The nine tailed fox is said to be as strong as the highest of noble ranked vampires, meaning me. If not stronger. So believe in yourself and keep pushing hard, and I promise you will see results." Kable reached up and scratched Shen Xia's ears, causing her to close her eyes. She was letting his words sink in. She knew he was not messing around with her when he said this. There was no reason to. His words gave her the confidence she needed to continue to work hard. 

Shen Xia curled up into Kable's lap as she relaxed more from his head pats. In her half dazed state Shen Xia asked: "Mr. Vorn, why do you treat me the way you do? When we first met my whole being told me to run. Even now it says to escape but for some reason I can't pull myself away from the warmth you provide. Are you using some kind of spell on me?" 

Kable chuckled and scooped the half asleep girl up and placed her on the bed. He wanted to fluff her tail tonight but he would leave it at this. As soon as Shen Xia's head hit the pillow she fell into a deep sleep. Kable leaned over and kissed the top of her forehead. "You will find your answer slowly. I came tonight because I will be gone for a while. Sleep well my Little Fluff Fluff."

Kable looked at the peaceful sleeping girl and then turned into a mass of bats before disappearing into the night. Making sure to close Shen Xia's window and locking tight. He reappeared high in the sky and looked down at the villa of which Shen Xia resided. Next to him stood Lilith who had just appeared. "Keep her safe. I must go to the other inner realm to deal with those old fools. Also train her well."

"What should I tell her if she asks about you?" Lilth asked.

"I doubt she will but if she does just say I went on a business trip. I am off. Do your job well."