Robot Exhibition

The whole class went quiet. No one dared to say another word against Mr. Huang's decision. Seeing this, Mr. Huang snorted and then looked at Shen Xia with a big smile. "Miss Shen, you and your team come with me. We will be going to see the principal right away."

Mr. Huang would not let this chance go by. Although it was their senior year, there was still a country wide robot exhibition between high schools. Normally this consisted of simple projects, but this robot would create a buzz no one would ever expect. The winning team would get a scholarship to the top robotics engineering college in the country. For these girls who worked together to build this robot, there was no way they would not be able to win! This would also put their third high school above first high school! 

Shen Xia and the girls looked at each other in confusion as they grabbed all their things and followed after Mr. Huang. Shen Xia did not want anyone to steal her work, so she made sure she took it all with her while carefully cuddling her little Spot in her arms.

When they entered the principal's office, Quan He was confused as to what was going on, and Mr. Huang was not making any sense with how much he was babbling about this and that, mixing up all his words. "Huang! Calm down so I can understand!"

"Ahh! You old man don't know anything!" Mr. Huang yelled and then turned to Shen Xia. "Show  it to him it will make things easier."

Shen Xia nodded and carefully put Spot down on the table in front of her. "Woof!"

Quan He's eyes almost bulged out of his head as he watched the small little robot dog rolling around on the table and licking Shen Xia's hand. "This…. Xiaxia, did you make this!?"

  "Not I, but we. We worked hard on this project." Shen Xia answered. She was actually being very humble. She had done all the coding and modeling. The other girls only helped a little here and there. The original code that Dai Na had written was completely erased and replaced with Shen Xia's code. But the wiring and putting it all together was done as a team.

"This… Hahaha! That first high school will be shitting their pants after they see this! Haha! We will win this year's exhibition. Normally we only send the best working model from the seniors' projects but this is much better. You girls, are you willing to go to the top robotic engineering school in the capital?" Quan He asked. Although there were four of them, he only looked at Shen Xia when he asked this.

"Does that mean I can build more robots?" Shen Xia asked. After building Spot, she wanted to try her hand at another robot. She was planning to do it on her own, but if she could learn about them properly, she would love to do it if she had the chance. 

"I believe I speak for the rest when I say this, but  as long as Xiaxia wants to go, we will follow her." Quan Xinya replied as she looked at Lilith and Dai Na, who both nodded in agreement. 

Shen Xia looked at her friends who were willing to go to the same college as her and felt very touched. She figured that once she evolved, she would not need so much protection anymore and that they would do their own things. But seeing them so willing to stick with her made Shen Xia feel warm inside. She looked at them all and lowered her head. Tears began to well up in her eyes. "You guys are too good to me.."

"Xiaxia, we are a team. You can't get rid of us that easily." Quan Xinya said with a smile as she hugged Shen Xia. Dai Na and Lilith also hugged their cute little foxy friend. 

"Then it's settled. I will enter you, girls, into the exhibition as team Xia." Quan He was happy. He couldn't wait to see the look on first high school's principal, Han Mu's face when Shen Xia revealed her robot dog. 

"Team Spot!" Shen Xia suddenly yelled out. She didn't want the team named after her. Since it was about Spot, it should be named after Spot.

"Alright, team Spot then!" Quan He let out a jolly laugh. He was really in a good mood right now. "The exhibition is this Monday. I know it is a little soon, but I need you all to go home and prepare. Pack for a two day trip. Be here at six in the morning so we can head to the capital."

After getting a few more instructions from Quan He, Shen Xia had one worry about not being around for the two days. "Principal He, ummm about Xin'er… Shen Lingxin."

"I will notify her teacher that she will be going with you. Don't worry. Even when you go to college, I will be sure to keep her safe." Quan He knew Shen Xia's worries, so he did not mind having Shen Lingxin tag alone for the trip. 

"Thank you!" Shen Xia smiled and bowed her head. She collected her things and scooped up Spot into her arms, and went off to pull Shen Lingxin out of class and head home to prepare. The top robotic school that Quan He was talking about was Capital Engineering. They had an actual course for just robotics which put together many different majors into a single major. It was a chance for Shen Xia to get a full course on robotics. She was really looking forward to it. She just hoped that Spot was good enough to win. She actually had no idea just how advanced Spot was for a robot.

That night as she got ready to try to break through again. Shen Xia sat in her normal sleepwear with her legs crossed and thought about what Kable had said to her. She was still confused as to what he meant. She wondered how she would know when an opportunity had come for her to break through. "Was that devilish man lying to me?" Pursing her lips she decided to forget him and began rotating her fuzzy wuzzy energy.