[Bonus chapter] Battle!

"You talk big for a demi!" The cultivator couldn't stand the arrogant attitude that the damn fox girl had. He waved his hand, causing his sword to fly into it. "I guess I will need to show you my true power!"

Shen Xia's lips curled up as her internal instincts began to take over. The feeling she had not felt since that day was now reemerging. Her eyes locked on to the cultivator watching his every movement as he charged towards her. Once she got a good understanding of his speed, she charged forward herself, meeting his sword as it was thrust out at her with her elongated nails. 


Her nails were like metal as they slammed the sword downwards. She then spun her body around, lashing out at him with a kick towards his head. The cultivator was startled by how fast Shen Xia was, but he was still able to quickly dodge the attack. Shen Xia's foot landed hard on the paved ground, causing a small crater to appear. "Tch..." 

Shen Xia realized that this young man was not just a normal street thug. He was much more nimble and knew how to fight. As for the cultivator, he was quite shaken by Shen Xia's quick movements. But he could tell her strength was slightly lower than his. "If close range doesn't work, then I will go long ranged!"

The cultivator waved his hand, causing his sword to float in front of him, and then waved it again, causing the same sword to suddenly turn into three. "Let's see you take this on! "

Three swords flew straight for Shen Xia, causing her to frown. She quickly went into full concentration mode and began dodging with everything she had.  She tried to dodge her way towards the cultivator, but when she was almost in range to pounce on him, another sword came out of nowhere and sliced her arm! "Tsss" Shen Xia sucked in a breath of cold air as she held her arm and jumped backwards as far as she could.  "What the hell is this four floaty sword thing! If only I co..." A feeling welled up inside her that caused her to grin… "Hehe, your not the only one with tricks!" 

Shen Xia suddenly began to run straight towards the cultivator, who had four swords flying right at her. Quan Xinya let out a scream of fright, wondering what had come on Shen Xia, but Lilith held her back. Lilith was actually smiling! She could see the small fox fire's in Shen Xia's eyes.

The cultivator thought he had won as his swords arrived in front of Shen Xia, and she showed no signs of dodging. His swords pierced into her skin, and what should have stopped the charging Shen Xia, the cultivator, only heard a ghostly voice coming from behind him. "It's time to play. Why aren't you smiling?"

"Gah!" The cultivator felt a sharp pain in his back and then in his front. He looked down to see a thin arm with claw like hands stabbing through his chest, holding a bloody red object that was still pulsating. "My..."


Shen Xia showed no mercy as she crushed the cultivator's heart in her hand right in front of his eyes before using her foot to leverage herself on the cultivator's body and yanked her arm back out. She then kicked the cultivator to the ground. Her entire right arm, all the way up to her upper arm, was covered in blood. She tossed the squished heart in her hand onto the ground and looked at the dying cultivator on the ground. "In your next life, make sure you are reborn as a bug since that seems to be the only thing you're worthy of being reborn as."

"Heh! You killed me, but you won't get away with it! The one who killed me will be recorded on my soul crystal! My Heaven's Cloud sect will never let you off!" The cultivator yelled out as he breathed his last breath.

Shen Xia frowned and let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't as disturbed as she thought she would be with all the blood on her. But as she stood there, she felt a surge of fuzzy wuzzy energy inside her. She felt that maybe that whatever was keeping her from evolving was ready to break! She quickly sat down right where she stood, not caring for the puddle of blood, and closed her eyes as she circulated her fuzzy wuzzy energy.

"Xiaxia!" The girls ran over to Shen Xia, seeing the battle was over. Shen Lingxin almost puked when she smelt the strong scent of blood. Dai Na was fine since she was a blood slave. As for the other two, one was a vampire, and the other had been trained since young.

"Don't touch her!" Lilith yelled out at Quan Xinya, who was about to check Shen Xia over. "She is about to breakthrough. If you disturb her now, she could have a backlash."

"Ah!" Quan Xinya quickly jumped back. She watched as Shen Xia's hair began fluttering up into the air. A small whirlwind began to form around her. A bright glow began to appear on her back side next to her other tail. Slowly the light grew out, taking the same shape as her tail forming a second tail. As the light dimmed, another fluffy tail appeared on Shen Xia's back side. 

Shen Xia's eyes slowly opened as her lips curled up into a wide grin. She slowly stood up and turned her head to look behind her. She wiggled her butt, making her two tails sway, and let out a laugh. "Haha! Finally! I broke through!" She quickly closed her eyes and pictured her tails and ears disappearing like how she had read to do in her cultivation manual. Quan Xinya and the rest watched as her tails and ears disappeared from sight, and human ears appeared on the side of her head. She looked completely human!

"Noooo! My fluff fluff!" Shen Lingxin yelled out when she saw the tails disappear. It was as if the world had ended for her.