The Idiot Shen Bo

The exhibition hall was filled with hundreds of different booths. Shen Xia and the girls were ushered in by Quan He and Mr. Huang, who stuck close to them to make sure no mishaps happened. Shen Xia also kept a tight grip on the data compiled on how Spot was built without actually giving any code. This was something that Quan He told her to do in order to keep her source code safe. People of all walks of life, especially those judging the competition, may try to steal the code in order to advance their own systems without paying Shen Xia for her hard work.

"Xiaxia, remember, do not let anyone have your source code. If they get the full code, you can forget..." Quan He was once again warning Shen Xia.

"Principal He, I know." Shen Xia chuckled and stopped him from continuing. She was not dumb. She knew exactly how much work she put into her Spot, never mind the code part. She would never give up her Spot to anyone! This was her baby!

"Alright, alright, I know I have said it many times already. Let's take our places..." Quan He took them over to a booth that was set up for their school and began to get things ready. Although they did not have much due to their lack of preparation, Shen Xia put her laptop on top of the table and placed Spot next to it before pulling up a chair. And just like that, they were ready. 

As the group was chatting, a middle aged man walked over with an arrogant expression on his face. "Oh, if it isn't Quan He. Planning on coming in last like always?" 

Hearing the sarcastic voice coming from behind him caused Quan He's face to turn black. He quickly composed himself and adjusted his tie. But just as he turned around, he heard another voice he despised. The voice of second high school's principal. "Han Mu, why even ask stupid questions?"

"Principal Han, Principal Cai, It's been a while. But I think you are wrong about one thing. The ones who will be last are you two." Quan He was not going to take things lying down. He knew this time around they were going to get first place!

"Oh? You sound so  confid..."

"Woof! Woof!" Both first and second high school principals' eyes looked over behind Quan He to see a robotic dog playing around with the girl sitting at the table. Just seeing the little robot dog wagging its tail acting like a real dog, made their eyes go wide. 

"Quan He, out of everyone I have met thus far, you really take the cake! You dare cheat just to win!? How shameless can you be! There is no way that you kids could make such an elaborate robot!" Han Mu would never believe it! There was just no way! That robot dog was like a real dog! No student could make such a thing!

"Han Mu, just because your kids are too stupid to make robots as elaborate as ours does not mean it can not be done. Science is advancing every day with new geniuses coming to light every day." Quan He said with a face full of smiles. He was loving the look on the other two principals' faces.

"Shen Xia, what are you doing here!?" A voice rang out, echoing through the hall.

Shen Xia, who was smiling away playing with Spot, eyes suddenly turned cold. She looked up and saw Shen Chen's daughter Shen Bo walking towards her. "Xiaxia, I will hand it." Quan Xinya was ready to slap someone's face.

"It's fine. I will deal with it this time." Shen Xia said casually as she continued to play with Spot ignoring the death glare she was receiving from Shen Bo.

"Shen Xai, you dare ignore me!? What is a piece of trash like you doing here!?" Shen Bo did not hold back any words as she publicly bad mouthed Shen Xia.

Shen Xia's eyes flashed with a cold light as she slowly raised her head. She blinked her eyes and looked at Shen Bo as if she was a complete idiot. "Shen Bo, your question is pretty stupid, don't you think? I mean, what other reason would I be here except to participate in the exhibition. Or are you saying you are here for something else? Maybe you are here to pick up men? But most of the people you would get to talk to are old and over fifty since we are not allowed to leave our booths. Well… I guess you do not care for rules since you are over here. Your principal should keep a good eye on you in case you decide you can't hold back and drag some lucky man..."

Shen Xia covered her mouth as she continued: "Ahh, I said too much. Sorry, I hope I didn't ruin your plans..."

"Wha?" Shen Bo did not know how to respond since she had no idea what Shen Xia meant by her words. 

"Pfft..." Quan Xinya could hold back her laughter as she quickly turned around and covered her mouth. Her shoulders were shaking violently. 

It was only after a few minutes that Shen Bo finally understood what Shen Xia was talking about. "You! You dare call me a slut!?"

"Shen Bo, I never said such a thing. How you take my words is up to you. If you think I am calling you a slut, then sure. But I never said what you were going to be doing…" Shen Xia's smile never left her lips as she looked at Shen Bo, who was once again left speechless.

"Xin'er, is your cousin really like that? Does she do that with any random man she sees?" Lilith leaned over and asked Shen Lingxin. Her voice, not too high or too low. 

"I never knew… But I guess it is so with how she reacted just now. I wonder if Uncle Chen knows his daughter might be pregnant." Shen Lingxin acted right along with Lilith.

"I am not pregnant! I use protection!" Shen Bo yelled out at the top of her lungs.