The Embarrassed Shen Xia

"I..." Lilith did not know how to answer. She did not want to lie to Shen Xia, but she also did not want to face Kable's wrath if she said something wrong. Luckily her the turmoil in her mind was calmed when Kable's voice came from within the room. "Fluff Fluff, let her hand the things I will explain." 

"Mmm… Sorry, Lilith, I put you on the spot." Shen Xia hoped their relationship would not change. She saw Lilith as one of her close friends. She did not care if she was Kable's niece or subordinate. She had already thought of this long ago, especially with how he suddenly appeared when she needed him the most. Only Lilith could have told him.

"Xiaxia..." Lilith handed the clothes and lowered her head. She wanted to apologize, but before she could, she felt a hand on her head. She looked up and saw Shen Xia smiling at her.