Shen Bo Will Always Be An Idiot Part 1

Shen Xia sat in the back seat of the car. She did not hide her ears or tails since these were Kable's people. She would only do so when they got out at their destination. Where were they headed? Only Kable knew. Shen Xia did not care where she went as long as she was with Kable today. She curled up and rested her head on his lap, ignoring the strange look the driver was giving them. "Stared enough?" Kable's cold voice asked as he glared at the driver. 

"Be nice." A soft voice came from his side. Kable pursed his lips and hummed in acknowledgment. He didn't look at the driver anymore. The driver, on the other hand, felt as if the world had come to an end! Did the demon king of the underworld just allow the fox girl next to tell him what to do!? This was something unheard of! It seemed this driver was not well informed at all and knew nothing about  Shen Xia. Otherwise, he would be bowing his head trying to get on Shen Xia's good side from the start.