Becoming A CEO Part 2

As they ate, Old Mo and Old Yun couldn't keep their eyes off Spot. They watched as the little robotic pooch ran back and forth on the table, wagging its tail, looking for pats. They, of course, indulged the little guy and happily patted him with strange faces that were not fit for old men. Shen Xia couldn't help but smile at the two's actions as she ate her food. She was highly enjoying the food here. It was made one of the best five-star chefs in all of City A. There were only three in the entire city, and one of them worked here at this hotel. 

While Shen Xia was eating, she had no idea her reactions were being watched like a hawk seeking its prey. All the staff were up in arms if they would be able to treat their Mistress to food that she truly loved. But seeing her so happily enjoying her food with her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel really touched their hearts, making them tear up.