Military Training Begins

That night Shen Xia hugged Kable to sleep, practically sleeping on top of him, but he did not care. He hugged her back and scratched her ears so she would have calm, comforting dreams.  When morning came, Shen Xia found herself hugging a pillow instead of her handsome devil, causing her to pout. But she knew he had to work. "Xiaxia!" 

Lilith opened the door to find Shen Xia sitting up in bed, her hair all over the place.  Lilith smiled and pulled a brush out of god knows where and walked over to the bed. But instead of brushing the bed head first, she went straight for one of the tails and began bushing it before anything else. Seeing this, Shen Xia did not know if she should be laughing or crying at this time. "Lilith..."

"Yes?" Lilith answered as she fluffed the two fluffy tails with a big smile on her face.