Battle In The Alley Part 1

Shen Xia, Lilith, and Quan Xinya were walking down the street almost to the corner they would need to turn to head to their house when a black van suddenly screeched its tires as it braked in front of them. Six men jumped out of the van and rushed towards them. "Damnit! Xiaxia this way!"

Quan Xinya did not hesitate to grab Shen Xia's hand and turn around to run away. Lilith also followed suit. Shen Xia wanted to cry because she was still wearing her weights! But she had no choice but to run at this time! 

"Lilith, how strong are they?" Quan Xinya asked.

"They are all low ranking Orcs, but there are six of them, and we have no idea how many more are around. We can't rightfully fight out in the open. So take a left down the alley next to the laundromat." Lilith instructed. If they were in an alleyway, Lilith could cast a spell to create a barrier to deal with the orcs. That would be the only way they could fight them easily.