The End Of The Ning Family Part 2

"Vorn! Vorn! Vorn! Just because you are sitting at the top doesn't mean your lives will always be peaceful!" General Ning yelled. He hated the Vorn family. He hated the vampires altogether. He had always wondered why the higher races always hid themselves even now when their numbers were enough to take over the human world. If it was not for the Vorn family upholding a strict law that forbade them from revealing themselves, his orc clan would not be stuck dealing with things in the dark like this. General Ning gritted his teeth and grabbed a large beam from the house, and stared down at the vampires in front of him. "Today, I will show you what it means to mess with my orc clan!"

General Ning was now driven by pure rage and hatred. He swung the beam in his hand right at the nearest vampire, not caring if he would be attacked from other sides. "You will all die here!"

"You talk big for an oversized pig!" Jess snorted before ordering her people to attack.