After The Storm

With Kable's overwhelming power, wiping out the Ning family did not take long. But one thing that bothered Kable about this whole thing was that a wraith had shown up. They were a very powerful race, and their numbers were unknown. "Cain!"

"Yes, Master?" Cain appeared at Kable's side.

"Send people out to check all the orc clans. Anything suspicious needs to be reported back. We may be in for a troublesome future." Kable felt like soon the entire underworld was about to be turned upside down, and if that happens…


Shen Xia had already arrived home. When she got word that the Ning family was wiped out at its roots, she let out a sigh of relief. Now she was currently lying back in a hot bath with her head just above the waterline. Her eyes were closed as she tried to relax after a long night. She was trying to wash away all the things that had happened on this day. 

"Xiaxia..." Lilith walked into the bathroom with a towel in her hand.