Shen Bai’s Warning Part 1

Qin Wei stared at Shen Xia, her face red with anger as she saw Wan Zhi react to Shen Xia's words. She was going to curse Shen Xia some more, but before she could, Shen Xia spoke first. "Qin Wei was it? I will say this now. The next time you call me a slut, I will not hesitate to smack that pretty little face of yours. I can only tolerate so much. I have done nothing to you, yet you come running up to me, slandering me over a person I have no knowledge of and calling me names. Do you think you are some kind of entitled princess? Because all I see is a girl who only knows how to run her mouth. Is it my fault that your fiance found me pretty? Did I tell him to like me? Did I go up to him and try to flaunt my goods? I have done none of that. Yet you say I tried to seduce him. Tell me, how many times have you seen us together besides today? Name the time and place of each event."