Chapter 36

'*What*?!' Jay thinks.

'*US*?!' Blaze internally screams.

'*Why would she*...!?' Sandra overthinks.

—Jay, Blaze, and Sandra all look over in Rayna's direction with pure happiness and confusion in their stature. Did she seriously just request that all of them be appointed into her Guild?

'I... I did it?' Jay thinks.

This whole time, he's felt defeated, completely hopeless even. Jay thought for sure that he was given his opportunity to progress but fumbled the ball as soon as it was passed to him. He thought he would never reach the finish line, and Rayna had just shown him the right way.

Jay, Blaze, and Sandra continue to all stare, shocked at Rayna, with Helmet stepping up after her comments.

"Are you sure?" Helmet says, also stunned at Rayna's request, "You haven't chosen any prospects ever since..."

"Yes, I'm sure. I want those three." Rayna reiterates.

'You know you're choosing the kid without Aspect, right? You're up for that challenge?' Crash echoes to Rayna.

'Yes, now get out of my head before I make you.' Rayna thinks, giving Crash a death stare in response.

Corvus sighs as he's relieved Rayna actually chose some players this time. Jay's friends, along with Larx in the front, turn around to see his reaction. Although it wasn't explosive and over the top, Jay was thrilled for Rayna to pick him.

"Someone wants us three?" Sandra says to Jay and Blaze, "Isn't she the one everyone's making fun of?"

"Well, yeah. Rayna's not only a Guildmaster but the captain of the Pythons, Which is the smallest Guild in the entire Slayer's organization!" Blaze responds to Sandra, "Apparently, she's on a losing streak in the off-season right now."

The off-season Blaze mentions is the professional scene in the Nexus, with top players duking it out with other top contenders. It's the highest form of esports known to the world, with some even calling it a real sport. Usually, professional players fight in the industry standard, called "Skirmish Matches," Which pit several players against an equal amount of players. It can be a 1v1, 4v4, or even a 15v15, but each side has equal numbers. There's a whole list of rules and regulations that are set in these Skirmish Matches as well.

"So she's on a losing streak?" Jay reiterates.

"I heard it's not just her, but the entire Python's Guild!" Sandra responds, "Which isn't too great to hear..."

"*ahem*." Corvus clears his throat, "Will the players called on by Rayna please make your way to the front of the room?"

Jay, Blaze, and Sandra all turn away from each other and look up at Corvus, who gave all of them a motioning hand to walk up to the front of the room. Jay nods his head and starts to make his way up to the special seating in the front of the room, with Blaze and Sandra close by.

Once at the front, Jay sits down at the end of the row that his party was sitting on, with Larx next to him.

"Huh, I guess we're both lucky!" Larx says to Jay.

"Looks like it!" Jay responds.

Blaze and Sandra sit next to Jay, and everyone resumes their attention back to Corvus and the Guildmasters. Corvus looks keenly at the group of players sat in front of him, almost like he was viewing merchandise at a store.

"For those wondering, I won't be accepting anyone for the Ravens at this time, so the players in front of you all are those who have passed this year's annual Slayer tryouts," Corvus says, "We hope to see everyone who sadly didn't make it back here next year!"

The room falls ill as the remaining prospects that were gathered in the hall, who weren't selected by a Guildmaster, begin to realize what Corvus told them.

They pass the tryouts.

Frustrated beyond belief, the players who weren't selected begin to shuffle around the room and file outside to complain to some of the event organizers. Whether it was about Stan's continued lack of appearance when he was supposed to be present or some of the poor planning that went into this event, most players were generally in a bad mood.

A single drop of sweat falls off of Jay's face and onto his shoulder. It hasn't fully processed yet that a Guildmaster selected him to become a Slayer, but it'll only be a matter of time before he comes to terms with it.

Helmet, along with Crash and Rayna, all make their way next to Corvus as they address the chosen prospects in the room. The remaining candidates are:

Jay, Ivy, Axel, Dillan, Kira, Larx, Blaze, and Sandra.

Axel and Dillan have been selected to be a part of the Sharks, which Crash runs as a Guildmaster. Helmet has chosen Ivy, Kira, and Larx to be a part of his Guild, the Wolves. Finally, Jay, Blaze, and Sandra have been selected by Rayna, Guildmaster of the Pythons, who has a knack for not choosing any candidates during the tryouts she's been a part of.

'I'm becoming a Slayer...' Jay thinks to himself.

"Ok, now that it's just you eight in here, we can run down the actual initiation process." Corvus says, "At any point, you may leave if what we inquire of you doesn't meet your standards or your schedule."

Corvus takes a step back, and along with the other Guildmasters, opens their game menu. Each one of the Guildmasters navigates to their messaging system and sequentially sends each of the eight prospects a text message.

Jay receives his message from Rayna, and everyone else receives theirs from the Guildmaster who had selected them.

Before he can read the message, Corvus draws a sword from his inventory and points it in the prospect's direction. Each one of them stops what they're doing and fearfully looks over at Corvus.

"We will now recite the Slayer's Pack, which the other Guildmasters have sent to you just now. Only recite it if your ready to dedicate yourself as a Slayer and to be part of the Guild as family, not just someone who wants to get stronger."

'What is this, a cult?!' Axel thinks to himself.

"Having the title as a Slayer immediately gives you a reputation, and we hope not to squander it. Our investors and our fans would outrage if a Slayer turned on us, so the Slayer's Pack is a promise that you won't backstab one of us." Helmet says after Corvus.

"Also, it's cool to do! It's like real Guild!" Crash says.

"Yeah, sure," Rayna says after Crash.

"On my mark, if you want to be a Slayer, please recite after me..."

Jay and the others all opened up their text messages and read out what was in their inbox. The Slayer's pack saying goes as follows:

"We fight for those who know our name. We are the new, the old, and the in-betweens. Together we look past the boundaries and set ourselves up for the world beyond. As Slayers, we strengthen our kind, minds, vigor, and skill through training and pure excellence. We are the elite, the completionists, the strongest, the kindest, and the most enthusiastic players in the entire Nexus. With this Pack, I, Promise to fulfill the dreams of the Guilds creators and make this virtual world a comforting place for casual players and serious gamers alike. I won't act by myself, but for those bearing the crest that symbolizes the Guild's unity, even if I do leave the Guild. I will help in the aid of documenting this new world's history by being a part of it. I, , will become a Slayer."

After everyone in the entire room recites the Slayer's Pack, Corvus looks down at the prospects.

"If you agree with our motives and certify your reciting of the Slayer's back, please place an open hand over your heart, with the back of your hand to us," Corvus says.

Every one of the prospects does this. Jay feels likes he's gripping his own heart and watches as his friends and the other prospects complete this request. After this, Helmet, Crash, and Rayna walk down to the prospects and hands them an item. Each one gives this item to their selected prospects. Looking at the item for even a second will let any player know the severity of obtaining it.

It was the Slayer's Crest, as a decal that the prospects could put onto any piece of clothing.

"You all are now Slayers. Report to your Guilds tomorrow morning, and don't be late." Corvus says.

Jay then notices another text message from Rayna.

>Oasis City, Bld. 332, Parkway Street.


"*WE'RE SLAYERS*!!" Axel yells proudly.

His gauntlets, now embroidered with the Slayer's Crest on each of them, clank together excitingly. The wind around him is faint but ever so present. Jay notices how happy Axel looks and smiles.

Jay, along with the party, are all taking things easy at Jay, Axel, and IVy's favorite hangout spot.

"I just need to unearth this stupid sword...!!" Axel says, gripping onto the Apocylade's handle.

"Um, are you sure that's an obtainable item?" Dillan asks Axel.

"Of course it is!! Why would it be here?" Axel responds.

"Maybe cause it's in an event that hasn't happened yet," Kira says.

Jay was sitting down on a rock nearby, with Ivy and Dillan, as they watched Axel furiously try to obtain the Apocylade over and over again. Kira was standing nearby, inspecting her pants as she tried to apply the Slayer's crest to them in the perfect way.

Ivy had placed the decal onto the back of her hood, and Dillan put it as a tattoo on his left bicep. Jay had placed his onto the front of his white shirt, which part of his jacket covered. He smiled as he looked down at his shirt, remembering the Slayer's Pack he and the other Prospects recited.

"You think they do that whole initiation thingy so no one will leave the clan in general?" Jay asks, "let alone your Guild?"

"Beats me, but it was intimidating!" Dillan says, "It feels like I'm some sort of superhero now in some sort of superhero squad!"

"I felt the same way, but as part of an elite military op." Kira comments, tilting her head at Dillan in a sarcastic way, "It's not as corny as being a hero, too."

"Whatever, I thought it was cool..." Dillan responds, looking down at the floor after Kira's comment.

"I know another person there that probably felt like a hero as well, Dillan!" Jay responds, "Although he was actually serious about it..."

"Who?! That pink fire guy?!" Axel asks Jay, still taking a crack at pulling the legendary sword in front of him.

"Yeah! Did you guys recognize him, by the way?" Jay asks Axel and Ivy.

"Um... no?" Ivy says, "Were we supposed to?"

"Not at all, just wondering..." Jay says, leaning back on the rock he was sitting on.

Looking up, the sky's orange hues were almost completely faded, and a strange aroma of twinkles and flashes from the stars above rest easy on the party's souls. They've overcome a lot to get to this point, with those they've interacted with having made it as far as them or getting dropped during their meeting today.

Jay's sword, which rested in its sheath, was still broken, but he could always take it to a blacksmith if he needed to. He has plenty of replacements for it in his inventory, but the one he uses means a lot to him.

"It sure is pretty looking up there, huh?" Ivy says.

"I agree," Kira responds.

Axel stops trying to pull the Apocylade out of its rocky tomb and walks over to the rest of the party.

"...How much do you think our starting salary will be?" Axel asks.

"Probably close to nothing," Jay responds, "We're new!"

"Yeah..." Axel says.

The party is silent, either looking up to see the night sky above them and marvel in it or just standing still to feel the wind hit them.

"So..." Jay starts to say, putting his hands in his pockets as he looks to the rest of the party.

"I guess this is goodbye?"

"Yeah, I was just about to address that as well..." Kira responds.

After everyone in the party agreed to become Slayers, Corvus gave each of them the Slayer's Crest and described what they'd be doing in their orientation. Part of joining a Guild requires joining a party with your Guildmembers, disbanding any other party you're in. It's a sign of trust and loyalty to the Clan.

Which means the party must split up for now.

"Me and the two that helped me in my match will be going to Oasis," Jay says to the party.

"Me and Kira, alone with that Larx guy, are going to be in the Overgrowth," Ivy says to the party.

"Me and Dillan are going to South Port!!" Axel says to the party.

Each of them will be joining different parties, all spread across the game world, some being hundreds of miles away. They won't see each other often, at least not in the game.

"We can always hang out in real life, Maguire!! Don't get too down in the dumps!!" Axel says, winking at Jay.

"Don't call me that!" Jay responds.

"Maguire?" Dillan repeats Axel.

"Who's that?" Kira asks Jay.

"N-nothing! Don't worry about it!" Jay says, embarrassed that Axel called him by his real-world alias.

Jay looks around him for a split moment, seeing his two best friends and his new friends grouped together. This would be one of the last times they would all be together like this. It felt weird to think about his future since he had managed to become a Slayer, picking up many new responsibilities on the way.

Dillan was a big player but soft in heart, and Kira looked peaceful on the outside but was extremely hardcore in her heart. Their addition to this party felt like it was the way it should be. Sadly, it was only for a little while.

"Well, how about we make a promise to each other?" Jay says to the party.

"Like what?" Ivy asks Jay.

"Let's promise to meet here in this spot someday, together, and go do something as a not-official party! However long this orientation thing is going to at, as well as when we all have free time in-game, I'm sure we can make it work in the future." Jay says.

"You say that, which make some realize more and more that becoming a Slayer is almost like a blessing and a curse," Dillan says, "We've reached a new level, but we sacrifice our time in-game for it."

"That's the fun part!!"Axel says, "We can get stronger with others around us who have that same fire in their hearts!!"

"Whether being a Slayer is a blessing or curse, I'm down to meet up in the future sometime," Kira says.

"Same," Dillan responds, smiling.

"Yeah!!" Axel says, pumping his gauntlets forward.

Agreed!" Ivy says, clenching both of her fists.

"Then it's a promise," Jay responds to the party, pulling up his game menu.

Everyone in the party does the same, navigating to the Tab to disband the party. Usually, all players in a party have to agree to disband it, which everyone scrolls through their menus to do. As Jay navigates to the option to , he oddly enough looks back at the sky.

He instinctively reaches his right hand up, almost as if he were reaching to grab a star in his view. Ivy sees this and replicates his action, outstretching her right hand upwards to the sky. Axel does the same, extending his gauntlet upwards to the night sky. Dillan and Kira follow suit shortly after.

As Jay does this, he presses the option on his game menu with his left hand, voting to disband the party. Everyone else does the same, and then Jay closes his right hand.

"I'm a Slayer!" Jay announces as he closes his hand.

"I'm a Slayer!!" Axel says, closing his gauntlet that was raised.

"I'm a Slayer!" Ivy cheers, closing her right hand as well.

"I'm a Slayer!" Dillan says, seeing Jay and his friends celebrate.

"...whatever," Kira says, pumping her right as she closes it, "I'm a Slayer!"


The party is officially disbanded, with the members being split off in the game by miles. They can still message each other if necessary, but it was weird dropping their unity so soon. As Jay felt bad disbanding the party, thinking it felt natural, everyone felt the same. Jay, Axel, and Ivy always have and will always be together. Kira and Dillan were almost like perfect additions to their friend group, and it sucked seeing them go so soon.

Ok, well, I'm gonna head down to South port. I'll be seeing you all!" Dillan assays.

"I'll catch up later!!" Axel says, "I think I'm going to log off!!"

"We better start heading to the Overgrowth, Kira, then log off in an inn somewhere!" Ivy says.

"I was thinking the same thing," Kira says, smiling at Ivy and winking at her, "Better to be closer to the Guild's base of operations for tomorrow's orientation, right?"

Yea, I'd better start heading over to Oasis, I guess!" Jay says.

There was a moment of silence between the ex-party.

Then they split off from each other.

Ivy and Kira ran all the way for the Overgrowth while Dillan left for South Port. Axel logs off shortly after the conversation dies down.

Jay sat still next to the Apocylade, whose strap was shrouded in the darkness of night. He was alone, split off from his friends for now, and he's become a Slayer. Jay's achieved so much in such little time, and he was happy. He knew going to Oasis City was smart, saving time tomorrow by being close by. Maybe he could even check out the address Rayna gave him.

The wind picks up slightly, which makes Jay wonder if Sandra or Blaze were nearby. They must also be as excited as him, and he was happy he gets to know people in his new Guild that he's fought side by side with.

'The Pythons...' Jay thinks, looking down at his right hand as he sits back down.

He closes his hand as he thinks about how much progress and work he'll have to make. Preloading was a power he could utilize and train, with the help of a new set of players he'll be acquainted with tomorrow. He can't use Aspect, but he can work hard enough to make for it, which he had done in his training before the tryouts started. Jay looks up and back to the stars in the sky. They remind him of the stars that shone brightly through the storm clouds on the day of the accident, which he and his mom were a part of.

Jay stands up straight and dusts off his pants. He's taken one big step to help save his mother from the twisted fate that his father has set her up in. He felt like crying tears of joy but held everything together. If he were going to save her, he would need to become the number one player in the Nexus worldwide.

'Ok, mom, I'm going to help keep you safe!' Jay thinks, running into the Wilds at a fast pace, 'I won't *EVER* give up on you! I'll collect enough money to pay for your hospital bills!'

'And I'll become the best player in this game if it means I have to!'

With this thought in his mind, Jay Corvidae races to Oasis City, preparing in advance for his orientation tomorrow. He's successfully joined the Slayer's Pack, and he's on his way to becoming a powerful player, Aspectless or not.

Will he be as great as the Guildmasters? What did his orientation have in store? When will he see his friends again? All of these questions ran through Jay's head. As his mind raced, Jay simply remembered what Helmet had taught him, and he continued striding towards Oasis City.

"Visualize... and execute," Jay mumbles to himself.