Damian and Sebas are settled.

We had already settled at a hotel in the city and we were arranging our things and putting it in order at least to create a conducive atmosphere and a suitable place for us to lay our heads and get the night sleep.It was evening already and we were worn out and tired from travel.We got food and ate to our fill before we took our baths.

We retired to our beds instantly and we even forgot to reach our to our people to tell them that we already arrived safely until,Damian's cell beeped and beeped and didn't stop.

Damian Damian get up and check your phone it has been ringing for a while now,Sebastian said as he tried to get hold of Damian's hands in order to get him to wake up.

Oh my God who could be calling me at this hour,Damian said as he got up to grab his phone.

Come on it's not that late yet,come to think of it we didn't call anyone to inform them that we have reached our destination so maybe its the supreme commander or anyone of them.

Hello sir Good evening ,we are sorry we couldn't call you guys to inform you we totally forgot and we were very tired.

Yes I understand but where are you now?Hope you guys found a place to sleep at least for this night.

Yes sir we found a hotel and we were even sleeping before you called.I really appreciate your kind gestures towards us sir,God will bless you.

How about Sebastian?Is he sleeping too?

Yes sir we were really tired,so we went straight to bed.

Alright that's good, you need enough rest so you will be able to work effectively. Remember you would contact us once everything for the mission is ready.For now you guys have to start making plans and you will start by knowing the nooks and cranny of that house.And if he wants things to go easily and as fast as possible,I mean Sebastian..or rather give him the phone so that I can talk to him.I tried his line but it seems he turned off his phone.

Sebastian,wake up the boss wants to talk to you ,

Sebastian tossed and turned and finally got up and collected the phone from Damian,who immediately went back to his sleep.

Sir,Its Sebas speaking now.

Yes Sebastian,I was just telling Damian that you guys should put in alot of work and make sure to set everything in order for the mission to begin then put a call through to us.But one important point I want to point out is that you people really need an ally inside the house.Thinking about it now I found out that the young lady that died would have been a great candidate for that job of informing you guys about everything about the house but it's too bad she is no more.But nevertheless I know that you understand where I'm going.You have to find someone that is trustworthy and one who has a lot of information about what's happening in and out of the mansion.Someone that would fill you in day in day out without flinching.

Hope you are getting what I'm saying clearly?or are you sleeping.

Of course I got everything sir,thank you so much for the insight .I promise to work on that and I won't disappoint you.

That's good Sebastian but remember you are not doing any of this for me,you are doing it because you want to do it and you are doing it for your family.

Yes sir but can I ask you a question sir,

Yes Sebas but make if quick I think I've stayed on the phone for too long and I have alot of things to do too,I just wanted to know how you guys were doing and make sure you are okay wherever you are.

Okay sir I'll make it quick,Do you really support what I'm planning to do?Or you are just helping me because you felt like I needed it.

Why are you asking Sebas?

Nothing sir I'm just curious.

Alright let me tell you,what I think doesn't matter and whether I support what you are going to do or not,it doesn't matter too.I just want you to do what you feel like doing and I'm only willing to help because I know and I understand how you feel.

I think that's okay for the night,now get some rest tommorow is a new day.

Thank You sir and have a good night rest,Sebastian said and dropped the phone but instead of sleeping,went into deep thoughts.