Who are you and who are you waiting for here?A voice came from behind and I quickly turned in order to see who the thunderous voice belonged to only to see a man that looked like he was in his early 50's just like my father.He was dressed in a black overall and he had a cigarette in his hand.He was not too fair and he was very tall.He was good looking too and he looked quiet.But the only person that came to my mind was Ralph,the killer of my loved ones.
I am waiting for someone here ,good day,I said to him after having accessed him.He must be the almighty Ralph,I thought to myself.
I've never seen your face but I must confess you have a striking resemblance with someone I know but I just can't remember clearly who the person is.How long have you being in this city?He asked gazing at me intensely.
On hearing this my heart skipped and I was very shocked.Not because I was scared of him but because it actually confirmed to me that he is the so called Ralph. He didn't look like what he has done.Its really true when we say don't judge a book by its cover.I looked at him intensely and right there I felt like devouring him into pieces.I was only seeing someone who needs to leave the face of the earth in the most cruel way possible because he doesn't deserve to be among the living.
Are you deaf young man or you are just stupid?Ralph raised his voice at me and I almost lost control,i couldn't get myself to understand that i was right in front of the man who made me homeless and I haven't done anything to put him in his place.I knew I had to stay put,i knew that taking any actions now would be foolish of me because,I was right in his house and it wouldn't even take him much time to take away my life too.
What's going on here?Clinton said as he came out to meet me.
Father hope everything is alright here?Because it seems the atmosphere is intense here.
On hearing that I was shocked for the second time,does it mean that my new friend at the mansion is the son of the man who killed my whole family.I was so suprised and shocked at the Same time and I knew it was very obvious.
I don't know, but who is this young man here?Do you have any idea who he is?Ralph asked Clinton who appeared to be his son.
Oh Father he is my new friend and his name is Donald.I met him the day before yesterday and since then we've been close.He is just here to see me father and he means no harm so just be calm and accord him some respect because he is my friend.
I had lied to Clinton that my name was Donald because I was trying to be as discrete as possible.I didn't want to make any costly mistakes.
Well he behaves strangely but since you said he is your friend,then no problem,i will be going in now,Ralph said as he looked at me and went inside after the long strange gaze.
They say that criminals and liars are very smart and they detect their kind easily.
I am not a criminal but I might not say the same for being a liar.
I'm sorry for the embarrassment Donald,hope you are alright?Clinton asked as he turned his face to my direction.
Of course I'm fine Clinton,I was just making some introductions and I didn't even know he was your father till you called him that.You guys don't really have any resemblance though from my observations,I said to him.
I'm not suprised to hear that,actually it's not the first time I'm hearing that.Well I have many siblings and some of them do resemble my father.As for me they say I look like my mum so that's it, either way he is my father.
Oh I see,seems your father has many wives?
Yes,he married many wives and that's why we his children are very large in number.I don't even know some of my siblings even though we live in the Same house.Everyone does their own thing and since this house is very big,we hardly see each other except for those ones I'm really very close to.
Oh that's weird but it's cool.Family is very important in everyone's life.Sebastian said.
How do you guys eat?I mean since you people are very many and you even have workers and guards and all that..It must be very tough for your dad to provide for all of you.
It's not a problem though,because most of us have businesses we run and our mothers are not idle either.We only seek the help of our father when its something we cannot handle.We have everything we need and we live fine.Not to brag but we even lend helping hands to the less privileged because we have more than enough.My dad is a very wealthy man and money has never being our problem.
Ok,I'd like to ask,how close are you to your dad?
Oh Donald,I find it awkward that you are asking questions about my dad and stuff.Please let's go and do something more fun.Come on,he said as he dragged me outside.
I decided to keep calm to avoid asking more questions that could arouse suspicions of any kind from him.At least I've known a little for today and I now know what Ralph looks like.Its going to be a rough and tough journey though,Ralph seemed to be very tactful and careful,more than I thought.
Now I remember everything Damian has been telling me about being very prepared before coming for this mission.I'm really glad that after everything I later heeded his advice and waited in order to be prepared,If not then maybe this mission would turn out to be harder than it should be.
For now,I have to make sure that Clinton doesn't suspect anything and i have to win him over at all cost,he has to be by my side.I will surely take advantage of that and get all I need from him.One step at a time,I said to myself.