I don't know why my step mum was killed and I find it odd that no one knew when it all happened.We only found out in the morning and it was all hard to take in.Even our chief guard didn't even know when it all happened and that's the weirdest of them all,Clinton said to Sebastian as they were having their usual walk outside the mansion.They have become inseparable and everyone knew that what existed between the two of them was not a mere friendship.
But how come someone entered the house and no one found out,How can an intruder just get in like that and kill someone and go Scott free without being caught.With the level of security in your father's house,how is it possible that someone broke into the house and went to the extent of killing someone and no one noticed,Sebastian fired back with so much heaviness on his voice.Sebastian was no doubt,a very good pretender.You wouldn't know his real motives if he didn't want you to know,he had this charisma and humor that attracts people to him and he just makes good use of it.Clinton obviously liked him so much and he liked being around him.
Seriously I wonder who did this and I wonder the intention he or she had.Mauna is such a loving wife and mother and she doesn't look for anyone's trouble at all.She always wants to be at peace with everyone and she is loved by everyone.So tell me, why would one decide to take an innocent soul, just like that?
Sebastian looked at Clinton and at some point he wanted to start feeling guilty for what he did but he remembered that his family too was murdered with no mercy.His mum and siblings were innocent souls just like Mauna.He just had to repay Ralph for what he did and he was just getting started,therefore he should be strong more than ever because he has a lot ahead of him. Whenever he sensed this feeling of guilt coming at him,he tries to justify his actions by comparing it all to the pain of losing his whole family. Of course his pain was always stronger than his guilt so he continued.
Do you have any idea who it could be?I mean the person who killed her.Don't you suspect anyone maybe ,her friend or your dad's friend or enemy or something like that,just anyone who would be able to do such a cruel thing to someone just like ..Anyways do you have anyone in mind?
Why didn't you Complete what you were saying,you said just like,I thought you were about to mention someone,Clinton replied looking at Sebas straight in the face.
Never mind,its nothing.I just made a mistake,what should be our focus now is finding out who is behind this and nothing more.What do you know about her or maybe her sons or your dad?
No no I don't really know much about her dealings or that of my dad.Thats why we don't have any clue as to who committed the atrocity.How could someone be so heartless...
On hearing that Sebastian recalled how he did everything. On that night he slept with Clinton in his room and he made sure he was fast asleep.He got up from the bed and got hold of his pistol which he always stucks in his bag.He quietly snooped out of the room and he checked but the guard at the centre of that corner of the house wasn't around at that time.He quickly went into her room which he has been monitoring for a while.The woman was lying down in her bed and was in deep sleep.
Sorry Woman but it's time for you to leave the face of the earth,he muttered under his breath and shot Mauna.It didn't produce any sound because of the nature of the pistol.No one noticed anything. It was really a silent annihilation.
He quietly left the room and crept back into the room where he was staying with Clinton.The next morning he left before Clinton could wake up but later came back in the evening time,just to make sure that his mission wasn't half done and to make sure that the woman really died.
Hello are you okay?Damian asked as he tapped Sebas on the back.I've been talking you for some minutes now but I just found out you were far from listening.Are you okay?Or is there something I need to know.
No no,nothing is wrong with me Clinton but I'd like to ask you a question.Have you lost a loved one before?Like maybe your friend or your family or just someone you hold dear to your heart.
Oh no I haven't lost anyone and I really hope it remains that way.Even though I just lost a step mum,I admit that it isn't really that painful to me but it is.Just a little though,what about you?
You know I've been asking you about your family but it seems like you don't like talking about them.You always snap out of it and you end up changing the topic before I even know it.
Its not like I don't want you to know about my family.But I just think it's not the right time for that now.I just want you to give me time because I have my reasons for not telling you anything now.Do you understand?Please don't insist my friend,Sebastian added in a convincing manner.
Alright but I don't think it's a big deal though.You know I am solely behind you so I don't know why it's hard for you to tell me anything.But anyways it's your decision and I'll respect it no matter what.You will tell me at your own time and that's totally fine.
Thank you for understanding Clinton,
Trust me it's better you don't know anything now and I promise I will tell you everything just at the right time.For now,stop insisting let's go back,I'm tired.I haven't taken a good rest today.
If you say so then,he replied.