I will find out whoever it is that did this to me and I'll make sure he or she regrets having ever been born.Even Ziko has disappeared. I think he knows what's going on here because If not why did he leave the mansion just like that?I will make sure I find him and I will show no mercy on him.Calm down father everything will be alright.We will still get to the bottom of this,Clinton said to his father who was pacing up and down in the house and was soliloquising.
Don't tell me to calm down down Clinton,besides where are your brothers?I thought I summoned all of you here he said his eyes popping out like that of an owl and red like a vampire's who is in search of human blood.
Let me go and get them sir,Clinton said and left quickly. He returned shortly with his brothers and his father was impatiently waiting for them.
Where have you all been?Don't you know that everything is not fine in this house and more than ever we need to come together and find out where all this madness is coming from.
Father we are sorry,we went out for a walk and we didn't know you sent for us.
You guys have the time to go for a walk?Can't you see what's going on or are you all blind.Even if you are blind don't you have ears?
We are sorry Father.
Spare me the apologies,where is Caleb and Wally?
We are here dad..They said as they walked up to him.Caleb and Wally were the two sons of the first wife and they were still very sad about what had happened to their mother.
You two are supposed to be stronger more than ever now,I want you to get the men ready for war,we must prepare them for anything and we have mount them around all the corners of this house.
Where is Frankie?
He isn't here dad,Clinton answered.
Well where is he?
We don't know dad,,we haven't seen him around today.
What do you mean you haven't seen him today?And none of you even said anything given the condition and everything that's has been happening lately?
Frankie was one of the sons of Mauna,who was killed the previous day.He has been down since the death of his mother but he was always around.No one knew his whereabouts and no one has seen him throughout that day.His room was still very occupied and his properties were still intact.That means he didn't elope or something like that.So where could he be?
I'm highly disappointed in you all,Get out of my sight immediately !He shouted and they quickly stood up to leave his presence.
Caleb,Wally wait behind he added and they went back.Wally was already shaking in fear but Caleb was as composed as always.He hardly gets afraid and no one could intimidate him.He was just like his father and he was the first son so one wouldn't be surprised at how hardened he was.
You two are going to get my men prepared since Ziko is out of the picture for now.But first you people should organise a search party and get to work.I want you to bring Ziko here and make sure you don't harm him.I want him alive because he has to know what's going on in this house.
Are you guys understanding what I'm saying?
Yes dad we understand,they chorused .
Alright for now,I want you to tell The other chief guard to lock all the gates to this house and make sure no one enters without notice.Everyone won't receive any visitors whatsoever it is.If any of these instructions are disobeyed.Then you both will go in for it.I hope I've made myself clear?He thundered.
Yes dad we understand everything you've said they replied in unison.
You can leave for now but keep your ears and eyes open for any information.
Thank you dad,they said and made to leave.
Come back,He said again and this time Wally couldn't take it .It was evident that he was very afraid because he was really shaking.
Wally has to use the restroom dad,I will fill him in later on what you said,Caleb said as he noticed the condition of his brother.
Wally was just the opposite of Caleb and he was always very nervous and timid.
Alright come here,he said to Caleb.There is nothing much but I just remembered Frankie.I want you to go and make enquiries and make sure that Frankie is really safe.If you see him then tell him to come and see me immediately.
Okay dad I will he answered.
You can go now..
Celeb left immediately to avoid another interruption from his father.