
In a time of cultivators there were six powerful clans that uphold the peace between cultivators, humans and ghosts. Until one day the seal that kept the ghost away from people for many years was broken and all hell was unleashed.

The six clans were Yunmeng clan, Lang clan, Qian clan, Yang hua clan, Xie clan and Jin clan.

Amongst the six clan one had more power they were the leader and that was the Yunmeng clan they were a bunch of savages and would to anything to keep the other clans at bay. They had all the clans under control but they did not dare to say a word against the most powerful clan and that was the Jin clan.

The Jin clan were a bunch of noble people and they would do anything to keep the peace.

Among the cultivators there were other dangers too, that kind that even the Yunmeng clan was afraid of and those were the demon kings. There were five demon kings each known for their own abilities.

The eldest among them was Jimin he had control over water and he was very cruel.

The second went by the name Jung he had control over the earth, he was known for killing an entire clan using demonic cultivation, he even killed children.

The third was Lee he had control over the air and was known for his strength and cruelty.

The fourth name was Hua he had control over fire, one thing each brother had in common was cruelty, they would not tolerate anyone going against them and would kill whoever gets in the way of what they want.

But amongst the four one was very different and they were all afraid of him and he was the king of hell their youngest brother Wei Cheng, he had all of the powers they possess and a lot more that people did not even know about, everyone was afraid of him because of his power.

The world of cultivation was corrupted everyone was actually the same except one girl by the name of Lien Jin the sister of Han Mo Jin the leader of the Jin clan.

Like her brother she see the world differently and believes everyone deserves a second chance no matter what, the girl was a beauty and very well mannered, she was also very easy going, in everyone eyes even though they did not like the way she thinks sometimes and despite her beauty she is well known for her powers and all of the clans were afraid of getting her angry.

Jin clan was located in the mountains that were in the clouds, the city was one of the largest and had one of the most powerful defense system.

One bright morning when the girl woke up her brother asked her to got to the city of Lang for there were having problems with Ghosts lately, for his sake she agreed to go with a few of their soldiers which were her cousins. They were powerful cultivators and they were also in training just like her.

Their names were Mo and Yu Jin.

The girl did her necessary morning routines and then took a bath and got dressed, she wore a long white and blue robe, a high top blue boot and her hair was down and had a hair pin in it.

The girl was fair in complexion, she had an hour glass shape, long light brown hair, green eyes and pink lips. She was the perfect girl in every guys eye.

After she finished she and her cousins, drew up a teleportation spell and teleported themselves to Lang.

Upon arriving there they saw how crowded the place was so they rushed to the clan leaders home, they were very mean people the leader name was Berjin Lang and his wife Lian Lang.

When they arrived at their home the two clans greeted each other "i am glad you came, please have some tea" Berjin said,

The girl and the boys sat down as the clan leader explained their current situations, due to the ghost attacks two young boys had died a few days ago and the attacks kept getting worse.

"The girl sighed and stood up "i will take a look around the premises" she said,

'Do whatever you must but please stay away from our new servant" the woman replied,

"I will heed your warning" she said then left.

While looking in the house she felt someone watching her, she placed her hand on her sword grabbed it and pulled the curtains but the person wrapped around her sword in the curtain, placed his or her hand around her waist and pulled her.

The curtains then blew up and she saw it was a guy, he smiled wickedly at her, he was tall, handsome, had long black hair with purple streak, light brown sparkly eyes, he was slim but also muscular and he had a purple lining around his eyes.

She then kicked him in the stomach and pulled her sword out of the curtain.

"Who are you?" she asked,

He walked towards her with light steps, for some reason she was afraid of him, a little while after a dark smoke was coming towards her, he grabbed her by the hand pulled out his sword and and struck the darkness which kept a streaking sound.

After noticing that he helped her she was about to thank him but he disappeared.

Her cousins came to her "are you okay?" Mo asked,

"Yes i am fine thanks to a guy" she said,

"Which guy my lady?" Mo asked,

"Never mind, the ghosts are here because someone summoned them" she said,

"Yes i noticed some demonic tools in the garden, it seems someone wanted you to come here" Yu replied,

"My lady please return home, i will take care of this" Mo said,

"No my brother gave me this task i will handle it, someone is playing with innocent people's lives here" she replied as her eyes glowed blue.