As their teacher entered the class Wang sighed "another day in another boring class, why does she even listen to them?" he asked himself with a sigh.
The topic of the day was demonic cultivation.
Upon hearing that he decided to listen.
"Now can someone tell me why we cannot use demonic cultivation?" the teacher asked,
"Because it corrupts one's mind like it did to the demon kings and others" Alix said,
"It does not always corrupt the mind, not if you can control it" Wang said.
Everyone looked at him and some of them was happy and surprised at his answer at the same point.
"Have you known of anyone who can control it?" the teacher asked,
"Well people like Alix cannot control it, but people like me and Lien can, you just have to be smart" he responded,
"How dare you?" Alix asked,
Lien swallowed deeply as she saw Wang folding his cuffs.
"I demand he gets punish for his action, this boy is a nuisance" Alix said.
"I humbly accept my punishment" Wang replied,
"Actually since he is just a guard his master is the one who had to be punished" Alix said.
Everyone in the classroom gasped "lady Lien" they said as she stood up and gave the teacher her sword.
"Wang at the river and practice with the other boys" she said,
"Lady Lien did not do anything wrong" Ai said,
"You want to get punished too?" Alix asked,
The girl sighed "enough, what's done is done, the punishment is mine" Lien said,
"Oh and you are happy to take it for him, i wonder why?" Alix asked as the girl kneeled down in front of the entire class with her head down.
The teacher did not want to hit her and the Alix grabbed the whip "i will do it" she said,
The teacher bowed "okay my lady".
The girl then grabbed the whip and as she was about to hit the girl a guy dressed in a golden looking robe grabbed on to it.
He was tall, muscular and slim, he had light green eyes, long black hair, broad chin and perfectly aligned nose.
The guy name was Hu Qian, son of Guang Qian leader of the Qian clan.
"Hu.. how dare you?" Alix asked,
"How dare you lady Alix?" he asked,
"She has to take the punishment" Alix said,
"No she doesn't, we can call this a debate and leave it as that for you are just doing this because of a silly question asked and you all just gave your own opinion, unless you want me to carry this matter to your father, i am sure he will be happy to know what's going on and how his daughter is trying to pick a fight with the other clans." he replied.
He the stretched out his hand to Lien, she held it and h pulled her up.
"Fine then we call it a debate" Alix said then walked out of the classroom.
"Thank you lord Hu" she said,
"You are welcome, she was in the wrong anyway" he replied then walked away.
Wang looked at her and walked away, she then smiled and went after him, she ran down the stairs and her feet slipped but he caught her, they left staring at each other and after realizing that she raised herself up.
"I am sorry lady Lien" Wang said,
The girl smiled as he turned away, she placed her hand under his chin and turned his face towards her.
"It's fine, you were not at fault, she was deliberately doing that so that she can cause problems but Hu made her realize that she would be creating one for her father too" she said,
"But still if i hadn't open my mouth then.." he replied as she placed her hand on his head even though she got the glimpses again and it pained her "let it go" she said.
He smiled "okay, they are waiting for us at the river we have to practice fighting water zombies" he replied,
"Okay come on" she replied as they headed to the river.
When they arrived there they saw Chang, the girl sighed "seems like today is a special day for coincidences" Lien said,
Wang smiled "relax i doubt he will try to pick a fight" he replied,
"You are probably right" she said as they walked o the others.
"Thank god i thought you guys got lost or something" Bo said,
"Nope we just got held up" Wang replied,
'Good now take out your talisman and try to get rid of the zombies using them instead of chopping their heads off and kill them all over again" Ai said,
'That's a little too direct Ai" Wang replied,
Lien laughed "come on try it" she said as they created fake zombies.
He then held the talisman in his hand and a blue a red aura surrounded it, he then threw it on the fake zombie and it disappeared.
"See that wasn't so hard" Bo said,
"Yeah whatever" he replied.
"Okay what's wrong?" Lien asked,
'"What do you mean?" he asked,
"You have been acting strange and please she is just trying to help" she said,
"You are right but i do not like when people try to change my way of doing things" he replied then walked away.
She sighed and continued her training but she could not focus so she failed on her first try.
"You have to focus on the talisman" Hu said,
"Lord Hu" she replied,
"Just call me Hu we are leaders" he said,
'Thanks for the tip" she replied as she did what he told her but yet failed.
He then walked up to her and held her hand with the talisman inside and Wang saw.
"close you eyes and focus on the zombie" he said,
She felt uncomfortable with him touching her but then as she focused, he released her hand and she got it right, they girl got rid of the zombie.
She smiled "thank you Hu" she said,
"You are most welcome" he replied then walked away.
"Well he is being generous when he is usually stern with people" Yu said,
"Well he just helped that does not mean that he is not going to be mean as usual but however he is he stands up for the right thing" she replied,
'You are right but still i do not like him" Yu said,
She patted him on the head "never judge a book by it's cover Yu.." she said,
He laughed "alright quit hitting me" he replied.
She laughed and he placed her hand around her shoulder "where is Wang?" he asked,
Upon hearing Yu asking for him, he disappeared and no one knows where he went.
"I don't know, i have not seen him since he left" she responded,
'He seems to be in a very bad mood today" Yu said,
'Are you sure that you can trust him lady Lien?" Mo asked,
'Guys stop it just give the guy a chance, lay off of him a little" she said,
"Fine if that's what you want but do not let him distract you in any way, i say not to trust him but i will give it a shot for your sake" he replied,
'Good i am glad now can we eat lunch i am hungry?" she said,
Mo smiled "come on we will eat under the blossom tree" he replied.