Lightning blade

Lien was confused about what was happening so she closed her eyes and a placed a protection barrier around the family after she did that a orange lining with barking appeared before her.

She then placed her hand on it and sent it towards the ghosts it helped them but the ghosts still kept coming.

She sighed and Hu got hurt on his same hand again.

"If things keep going this way, people will die" she said to herself.

As her head started hurting, she looked at the other cultivators getting hurt.

She then flew up in the air and used up the little energy she had left by placing talisman on all of the zombies, her eyes then lit up blue and her energy came out of her body forming a spirit of herself.

Everyone ;eft staring as she pointed her sword in the air and attracted the lighting, that was the famous lightning blade of the Jin family.

"That is going to drain her energy and she is direct above the five waterfall" Mika said,

"I am sure she will be fine" she replied,

"Not if we cannot leave the barrier" Mika said,

"Oh no the ghosts are attracted to her and she created a barrier around us.

As the ghosts headed towards her she danced with the lightning floating around her and she glowed more than ever.

While she was doing that Wang and his brother stared and so did everyone else but the girl was staring to faint.

She then painted the sword at all of the ghosts, the lightning surrounded the ghosts and shocked them they glowed blue as they kept the screeching sound.

She covered her ears and released more energy form her body, the more she released the more powerful the lighting.

Soon enough there was a huge ball of blue light and the ghosts blew up leaving nothing behind.

Lien then tried to release the protection barrier but she fainted, everyone gasped as she was falling.

Wang got up and before anyone could see him, he flew up from under the waterfall, placed his hand around her waist and her neck then lifted her in his arms while everyone thought she hit the bottom.

Wang then landed gently on top of the water.

"Brother what are you going to do?" the other guy asked,

"Well i will take care of her until morning take down the barrier but make sure no one sees you" he said then disappeared with the girl in his hand.

The guy did as told and took down the barrier.

A few of Hu soldier came looking for her but could not find her.

"Hu son, we will continue the search for her later, go get some rest" his mother said,

"Okay mother" he replied then returned to the mansion.

The guy sighed and went to his room.

"I will find you" Hu said to himself as he took a bath then went to bed.

As for Wang he took the girl to his tenth where he was staying, there he laid her on the bed and surrounded her with his protection energy.

He looked at her and how peaceful she was.

"Brother they stopped looking for here, well for now" the guy said,

"Okay good, i am going to get some rest go home" Wang replied,

"Okay well uh... good morning" he said then left.

"You are gradually losing your inner strength and when you finally figure it out, heavens know what you will do" he said to her as he passed his hand on her face and she grabbed on to it then pulled him down.

He then smiled and lay down near her, Lien then placed her arms around him hugging him, he smiled and a little while after he slept away.

While sleeping Lien began having nightmare and she squeezed Wang's robe, the guy woke up and turned in her direction. "Having bad dreams too" he said, the guy then placed his hand on her forehead releasing some chi into her body.

After doing that he hugged her and went back to sleep.

In the morning when the guy came he saw the two cuddling, he laughed "seems like his majesty is sleeping well" he said to himself as he went and made breakfast.

An hour later when he finished he placed the food on the table, he then heard the some men talking, when he looked he saw it was Hu's soldiers.

He immediately put up a cloaking barrier so that the soldiers won't find them no matter how powerful they might be.

When the passed he sighed "my master is going to get me killed eventually" he said as he looked at them sleeping peacefully together with a frown.

He then walked up to Wang, "master please wake up, i am too young to die in an interrogation room" he said,

Wang opened his eyes and when he saw the guy standing over him he grabbed him by the collar, lifted him up and threw him into a desk.

"That hurts you know" the guy said as Wang sat up,

"You deserved, i was sleeping so well" Wang replied.

"Yeah you are not the only one, looked at how peaceful madam is" he said,

"Shut up" Wang replied as he placed his hand on her pulse.

His hand then started to glow and he placed it on her head.

She then turned and hugged his hand.

He looked at her with a frown, "i am not planning on getting blame by these bloody clan for abducting her which i didn't do" he said as he got up, grabbed a mug of water.

"Master don't do it, she will be furious, you are being wicked again" he said,

"If you don't shut up i will put a deadly curse on you" Wang replied,

"Okay my mouth is one hundred percent zipped" the guy said as his master sprinkled cold water on her and she woke up and the other guy disappeared so that she won't see him.

Upon seeing Wang she sat up and wiped her eyes "thanks for saving me" she said,

"You are welcome, now get up and go back to your fiancee" he replied,

"Mean bastard" she said.

His eyes widened and he got on to the bed leaning over her, Wang then placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back towards the bed.

"Wh.. what are you doing?" she asked as she grabbed on to his hand,

"You didn't know i am a bastard when you were cuddling with me" he responded.