The girl then bit his hand and he released her, as she tried to get up he pushed her to the ground the came over her.
"You are pretty I must say," he said as he passed his hand on her face and she kneed him where it hurts then got up even though she struggled and walked into the wood until she finally lost him.
The girl sat by a tree as he feet kept bleeding and she tore her dress then wrapped it around her feet.
"Oh god he is strong, I cannot fight my way out of this, home is close but I won't make it not with this injury," she said to herself.
"Bro..." she said and her brother started to feel uneasy as he was in a meeting.
"You know no matter where you hide I will find you my lady" the guy shouted and she jumped as she saw a huge black snake raising up not too far ahead of her.
The girl then remembered the talisman Yu gave her.
She took it out of her pocket and placed it on the ground then closed her eyes a drop of her blood fell on the talisman and it disappeared then appeared in front of Yu.
Upon seeing it his eyes widened as he trained with Wang.
"What is that Yu?" Wang asked as Yu saw the drop of blood on the talisman.
"It's lady Lien she is in trouble," he said as the talisman flew up in the air and they got onto their sword and followed it.
Lien saw the guy was getting closer and she ran.
"Found ya," he said as he grabbed his sword.
The girl was losing so much energy that the black snake tattoo appeared on her stomach again and she swallowed deeply as she tried to run faster but just then a vine grabbed on to her feet and as it dragged her towards the guy, she chopped it and got back up but she knew she could not outrun the guy.
The huge black python then appeared in front of her and her eyes widened as she started to tremble.
The golden snake stared the black on in the eyes and came off of her as the guy grabbed Lien and placed his sword by her neck as he sniffed her and as the black phyton was about to attack her the golden snake transformed into a huger form of himself and hit the black snake to the ground.
Both the guy and the girl stared at the golden snake.
"You are big...." she said and the snake looked at her and it hissed at the other snake and at the same time Wang and Yu arrived and saw the snakes fighting.
"Wasn't that thing small?" Yu asked,
"Focus Yu, it is time to put your training to work, there she is, be careful he has a poisonous sword at her neck, look at the shape of the blade and the blue lining at the bottom" Wang responded as the landed on the ground.
"Leader Wang" the guy said,
"Let her go," Wang said,
"Why would you risk it to save a girl like this?" the guy asked and Wang folded his cuffs in anger as his eyes glowed red,
"Let her go," he said as he squeezed his flute.
The guy then pressed the sword on her neck and tears came out of her eyes.
On seeing how hurt the girl was Yu grabbed the flute but before he could do anything the lightning struck and the clouds got dark as Wang flew up into the air and started to blow his flute.
The power that came out of his flute was green and it wrapped around the guy.
"You should have back out when you had the chance, I am going to kill you," Wang said as his eyes glowed green and the guy released Lien then Yu grabbed on to her and they looked as the guy started to lose control of his limbs and hos veins expanded and he blew up, Lien and Yu jumped as his blood pitched on them and the black snake disappeared.
"Wang then came back to the floor and they all turned and looked at the huge gold snake as it transformed back to its small form and crawled onto Lien then wrapped itself around her right hand then closed its eyes.
As Lien tried to walk she nearly fell but Wang grabbed onto her and lifted her up in his arms.
'Let's take her home Yu" he said,
"Yeah" he replied as they got on to the sword and left to take her home to her brother for treatment.
Upon arriving at Jin's mansion her brother saw her and everyone flung up.
Her brother rushed to her.
"What happened?" he asked as Wang placed her into her brother's hand and as he took her in he invited both of the boys.
As Yu and Wang walked in everyone stared at them.
"You cannot go in," Mo said,
"Let him pass Mo," Han said then Mo moved and they followed him to the living room.
Han placed her on the chair as his eyes glowed blue.
He then lifted her dress a little and pulled her pants up gently and when he saw the cuts on her foot he jumped.
'Han..." she said with a slight smile.
"Sis... i am so sorry" he replied as she placed her bloody hand on his shoulder,
'It's fine, I will be fine, do not worry" she said.
Wang could not bear to see her in so much pain and when she looked at him he turned away.
"Is leader Wang angry with me?" she asked herself as she was losing consciousness as her brother was treating her leg.
"Will she be okay Leader Han?" Yu asked,
"Yeah, it will take a while for her to heal but she will be fine" he responded as he wiped the tears from his eyes then wrapped her feet in bandages then wrapped her head too.
"Le the nurse take care of her," he said as they came out of the room for the nurse to change her clothes but then the nurse scream as she was about to touch the girl and they rushed back into the room.
"What happened?" Han asked as he saw the snake staring at them and Yu laughed as the snake came off of the girl's hand and sat by her head side,
'Do not worry it will not harm you just change her clothes" Wang said and they came out of the room.