"Well, i hope that something happens so you won't have to go through with this wedding," Yu said,
"Too late I gave my word no matter what I am going through with it" she replied then walked away and Yu left with his mouth open.
'She is angry as hell" Yu said to himself then walked away and went to join the other guests that came.
Lien went to her room and started to get dress and her friends were there to help her.
"So from today on you will be married," Ai said,
"Yeah I know, thanks guys but I will take care of this from here" she replied then they all smiled and left her room then she locked the door.
"Damn it I so want to back down," she said to herself with a frown.
"Maybe you should just run away," someone said then she looked up and saw that the golden knight appeared in front of her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked,
"I am not going to hurt you if that's what you are worried about" he responded,
"I am not worried about myself," she said as she fixed her dress.
"You look beautiful," he said then her eyes widened and she looked at him.
"Why are you here?" she asked,
"You do not know the truth that people kept from you, I suggest you find it out before you put me as the bad guy here" he responded then left.
Lien sighed as she placed her earrings on.
The girl wore a red wedding dress with a flare at the bottom followed by a trail, it had long sleeves with gold flowers and beddings, her hair was up in a bun with jewels in her hair and her crown followed by a gold heel.
The girl hated dressing up like that but she looked pretty and it was time for her to make her entry.
The girl sighed and walked out of the room and as she entered the marriage hall everyone left staring at her while smiling.
As the traditional ceremonies began tears came to her eyes for she knew she had no feeling for Hu but yet she has to force herself to marry him but it was also very hard for him.
As the final ritual to pronounce them and wife was about to begin.
The golden knight flew up into the air.
"Doesn't look like she will be able to stop this nonsense" he said to himself as his eyes glowed and a formation of a golden circle formed around the Jin clan home then the atmosphere changed completely.
"What the hell is happening?" her brother asked as the lightning struck Lien's room causing a fire.
The servants started screaming as the fire spread.
"It's a fire, Hu follow me, we have to put it out before it spreads," Han said as they left and Hu went after him as the golden knight appeared before everyone.
"You..." Lien said and he smiled.
"You are not going to get marry to someone you do not love," he said as he lifted her up in his arms and she screamed as her brother finished putting out the fire and rushed back to the hall.
"Put my sister down," Han said,
"I suggest you start worrying about where you stand leader Han" he replied as he flew up into the air and they all rushed outside and pulled their sword.
"You don't want to hurt your sister do you?" the guy asked then Han folded his cuffs and placed his sword down while Lien stared at the guy.
"He feels familiar, close," she said to herself as she heard a loud boom in the city then they disappeared.
"Find my sister, I am going to check up on the people," Han said,
'Don't worry we will" Yu replied.
"Something is really wrong he could have taken out all of us, he is powerful o be honest I am glad he took her but I hope she does not get hurt, I am glad that she did not marry Hu, I know he is a good guy, but I prefer Wang," he said to himself as he flew up in the air on the sword.
"The explosion was just a diversion," Han said as he arrived in the city.
"Where is he taking her?" Hu asked,
"I don't know why didn't she tell me about the golden knight before?" Han asked,
'I... i do not know" he responded then they got back into the carriage and went back home where everyone had started leaving and the soldiers kept on searching.
"I knew this would have happened this must have been Wang's doing," the uncle said as Yu came back and heard.
"Maybe you are to blame for this, you son of a bitch criticizing the man that saved her life many times: Yu said then Hu laughed.
"I want my sister found that's all, by the way, has anyone heard or seen leader Wang lately?" Han asked,
"I hope you are not taking uncle's side," Yu said then Han looked at him sternly,
"I am starting to think he is right, maybe we did make a mistake by trusting that demon" he shouted then Yu pointed his sword at Han and everyone gasped.
"Yu calm down" Hu said,
'No I have had enough of these clans crap, first you force my Lien to get marry and now blaming the one guy who won't even think of hurting here" he shouted then Hu gasped.
"I really like Lien but he is more than right none of you have the right to make someone's life decision," he said,
'Hu that is enough, the clan always comes first not what you want" Hu's father replied then Yu placed his sword down,
'I am not going to marry her father, not by force" Hu said.
"We will talk about this later, for now, let's find Lien," Hu's mother said then they all went back into the house.