Part 2.

Прошло больше года с тех пор, как Дио Брандо смог выбраться из своего 100-летнего заключения в этом гробу. Хорошо, что он предвидел этот момент на случай, если он не сможет нормально двигаться из-за того, что тело Джонатана, пропитанное хамоном, противостояло ему.

- Я должен отдать ему должное. - Сказал высокий и статный мужчина с золотистыми волосами, невероятно сильным телосложением и в странной одежде, состоящей из желтого пиджака с черной футболкой и штанов такого же цвета с подтяжками, блестящих манжет на обоих запястьях и с сердечками на коленях. , на его ногах были полосатые сапоги, состоящие из черных и желтых цветов со слегка загнутыми на них носками.

Несмотря на то, что со времени смерти Джонатана прошло столетие, и все это время он пытался завоевать свое тело, он не мог полностью овладеть своим телом. Воля Джостаров по-прежнему не позволяет ему полностью контролировать тело и использовать все свои способности, которыми он обладал, вплоть до потери тела. Выжила только регенерация, которая усиливается питьем человеческой крови и слабым контролем над клетками его тела. Но, несмотря на все это, его тело благодаря вампирским способностям в сотни раз превосходит обычного человека и не подвержено обычным человеческим слабостям.

Но его единственная слабость к солнечному свету также сохранилась. И как бы он не хотел это признавать, но если бы он не учел это и не делал потайного дна в гробу, куда он залез, то он был бы уже мертв. Ведь те рыбаки, которые выловили гроб, в котором он находился, из морских глубин открывали его в самый разгар солнечного дня. А ночью, когда они остались плыть по морю и легли спать, оставив свой гроб на том же месте, где его открыли, он вылез из него и высушил всех людей, которые были на корабле. Единственное, что ему не нравилось в тот период времени, когда он просыпался, это то, что он вел себя как незначительный безмозглый зомби, которого он создал, когда был на пике формы.

Он должен признать, что его открытие имело невероятный успех, и если бы не это, он оставался бы на самых морских глубинах еще бесчисленное количество лет.

В первый раз после того, как ему удалось сойти на берег, он был очень впечатлен технологическим прогрессом, который произошел за время, которое он провел в темноте. Изменилось практически все, от одежды до домов. Если бы не его гордость, он бы большую часть времени ходил с открытым ртом от удивления. Даже после года изучения этого нового для него времени, он все еще может удивляться некоторым вещам.

Была глубокая ночь, когда он ступил на причал. Ему несложно было взять с трупов запасную одежду. Это был явно не лучший пошив и явно не для людей его статуса, он состоял из простых черных брюк и темно-зеленого джемпера. Поэтому он вышел на это время в более нормальной одежде, а не в лохмотьях, в которых он просыпался.

А выйти в город и украсть одежду из ближайшего магазина даже в таком состоянии для него не составит труда. Хотя он не хотел вспоминать времена, когда он был нищим в самых глубинах общества, в тот момент он ничего не мог сделать. После того, как он поймет текущее состояние мира и захватит в свое подчинение самых влиятельных людей, ему больше не придется опускаться до таких незначительных действий.

After that moment, he walked and studied a new, but at the same time the same world for himself.

What brought him to this small town for him. Arriving there at night and staying in the best hotel in this city was not a problem for him. Especially with the money of his servants, which he received and which brought him not a bad income. And when heavy, dark clouds appeared in the sky, which showed that soon the whole city would be covered with rain, he had an unexpected idea to take a walk.

And that put him in a bad situation. After a short time for him, his feet led him to a not the richest area of ​​this city. It was immediately obvious that this place was intended either for drunkards and drug addicts or for people of very small income, which would allow them to survive for a couple of weeks a month. The clouds that used to cover the entire horizon suddenly disappeared along with the rain. It could be said as if by magic. And quite often the sun began to shine through them through small crevices. To his imprudence and surprise, he had already burned his hand to bloody red blisters.

It would not have been difficult for him to break through the doors of the nearest houses, kill everyone who was in the house and calmly wait for the night, but still a strange force forced him to go in front and, despite the fear of death, did not stop. He himself was already wondering where his legs were leading, or maybe he was just pleasant to walk in the daytime.

-Hey. - He heard a shout near him, clearly addressed to him. Since he didn't feel more people nearby.

When he turned to the source of the unexpected about the sound, he saw a woman, although in relation to her you can say a girl. She was clearly dressed in old and badly worn clothes, which had been sewn more than once and had long since lost their true color. But even in spite of all this, it was safe to say that this rag was very diligently looked after and, although it all made it worse, it could not hide the beauty of the woman. She was a brunette with dark blue eyes that couldn't even hide the bags underneath.

He saw her walking down the street, but he paid no attention more than just a second glance. It looks like she was going to her house and before going in she called out to him. Now she stood next to the same as all the other doors. Old, all in scratches and long lost color, but it should be noted that this was the only practical door without drawings on it. The house was as gray and ancient as everyone else, not much better in which he lived as a child, which he did not want to remember.

Instead of at least some answer, he just looked in her direction and began to look at her.

- Are you okay? Is it possible to say that you are hurt by looking at your hand? - did it seem to him or did she show concern to him?

- It is very unexpected that in this place at least someone cares about the states of others, and not themselves. But be that as it may, I am severely allergic to the sun and, apparently, is rather dangerous for me. He replied with mild interest. Thirst to know what will happen next.

- Sounds like an obvious lie, but if you need to convey before the sun goes down, you can wait with me. She said with strange certainty, but he also felt a little fear.

His answer disappointed him greatly. Who, perhaps, is so stupid as to let in an unfamiliar man who looks several times stronger than you, and even wounded, which can lead to trouble. But at least she understands this and at least not as stupid as his mother was. But be that as it may, he still needs to restore his hand, so when he gets tired of it, he will eat it.

- Well, are you going? - at that moment as he thought about her stupidity, she managed to open a seemingly flimsy lock and go inside the house and look at it from almost a closed door.

Without further ado, limiting himself to just a slight nod and walking a couple of meters, he climbed the collapsed steps and entered the house.

The first thing he did when the door closed behind him with a slight creak was to look around. The inside of the house was different from how it looked from the outside, no, it was still not rich and looked as if it would break from his slight sneeze, but it was immediately obvious that this place was very diligently looked after. Even with his improved senses given by the vampire's body, he could not notice much dust, which is strikingly at odds with expectations. Also, he could not notice insects like spiders or flies and his keen hearing could not catch more than one squeak of mice.

In the meantime, the girl took off her light windbreaker and showed that under it was not the best quality sweater. She took off her shoes and silently showed him to the only passage that the door did not close.

Due to the manners that his mother had hammered into him more than a century ago, he took off his boots and jacket, which he put on the old nightstand next to the door, since the only hook was occupied by the girl's windbreaker and went into the passage into which a woman showed him when she herself went to another door opposite to the place where she showed.

Without a drop of embarrassment, he walked into that passage and the same picture as at the entrance opened before his vision, a small, well-groomed and very old room. But it is worth noting that there were more objects for which the eye would catch. In the very center of the room there was a small but cozy sofa in front of which there was a glass table with several small cracks that were noticeable to the usual look, on one of the walls there are several pictures with landscapes, and on the sides of the room and on the window sill, which, in addition to the wall of another building they didn't show anything, there were several green plants. Above the ceiling hung a chandelier with five bulbs, of which only two worked.

He calmly sat down in the middle of the sofa and waited for the girl.

When she returned, she had a bottle with a clear liquid in her hands and another object that he could not see due to the fact that it was gripped in his hand.

She sat down in front of him and lowered the object, which turned out to be bandages on the table, opened a bottle, from which he smelled a sharp smell of alcohol and with a demanding look looking into his face, stretched out her thin hand to him and pointed to his wounded hand ... He was sure that if he looked at himself from the side at the moment, he would see surprise in his eyes. Without hesitation and putting his wounded hand in her warm palm, he began to observe her actions.

She began gently pouring alcohol on his hand and looked at him with a careful gaze, as if asking if he was in pain. He certainly wouldn't have been It was painful, and he practically did not honor anything and this pain meant nothing to him, but her concern was pleasant to him, and he shook his head saying that he was not in pain. When his whole hand was treated with alcohol, she put the bottle on the floor while locking it, and then carefully and knowledgeably began to bandage his hand until his entire arm was tightly covered with bandages.

After finishing this process, the girl stood up and looked proudly at his hand. On reflexes, he clenched and unclenched his hand several times to check how tightly the bandage was applied. Unexpectedly, even for himself, he squeezed out a word that in his memory he had never said and only heard it from others.

- Thank you. - His voice rang out hoarsely in this room. And then he continued. - But I must say that it was incredibly stupid to treat the unfamiliar man whom you see for the first time in your life. Suddenly I wanted to do whatever was not good with you, and you only helped me with this. And, moreover, completely free. He said with some malice.

- I always have a pistol with one round for this case. - her voice sounded with confidence.

- You think you can hit me with one bullet, and even if you hit me, can you do them any critical damage? - there was even more malice in his voice.

- I don't get into you, I won't get into, but into myself without any problems. There was even more confidence in her voice.

One could say that he was in shock, but more soon he began to have respect for this woman. That he mistook her for a fool on the first meeting was completely wrong. She understood perfectly well that it would be better for her to die than to spend the rest of her life in slavery or not very voluntarily donating organs right on the spot. She was quite smart and in no way suffered from the naivety that his mother suffered. In a way, she was even very cruel.

- And who said that the free is paid? You are wearing rather expensive clothes and, as a token of gratitude for helping you, you will give me any amount of money. - Yes. She was not in any way stupid, but very smart and cunning.

- Hmm. Well then, you're out of luck. I didn't take a penny with me and I can't give you anything. And what are you going to do now? Will you kick me out?

- Well, no, no, there is nothing I can do about it. You can stay until the sun goes down and get out of here.

- Hmm. - was the only thing that he replied to the words said to her. And he started a simple, meaningless conversation with her for the next few hours.

She was pretty smart. Smarter than most people he has met during his time at large. He found out that she was studying to be a doctor, but for some reason she had to quit her studies and move here. He wondered what made such a smart girl stay in this place. Her response was dry and without a drop of emotion in her voice, which meant accepting what had happened.

- Not all life events depend on us. Some just happen and there is nothing you can do about it. In my case, my sister fell seriously ill and for his treatment my parents took out a loan that we could cover in a few years. But, - she hesitated. - when the parents went to visit their sister, they died in an accident. The credit went to me. The sister died. I had to drop out of school, sell most of my property, and move here where I had to pay the least for housing. We had no living relatives, so we had to get out on our own.

He was a little surprised by this story. And before he had time to think about anything else, the girl got up calmly and looked at the small clock on the table.

- I have to get up early for work tomorrow. As the sun can go, I don't hold you.

- Aren't you afraid that I will steal something? - the only thing he could say.

- It would be that. She said and left. A few minutes later, he heard the springs creak in one of the rooms due to the heavy load on the bottom. HE could have guessed that she lay on the bed.

He sat for another hour on this couch and looked at his bandaged hand, which, even without the blood of the woman he had changed his mind about drinking, had already fully recovered.

When the last rays of the sun disappeared over the horizon, he calmly left the house and with a thoughtful face went to his room. And none other than him will know that in the morning of the same day he will call on the phone and say the name of an unknown woman and that in a week a letter will come to the woman who lives in the house from which he left today, which will say about repayment of the loan and how tears of happiness will come from her eyes.


How many times has he returned this year to this inconspicuous city and walks at night in the same house as last times.

- Why do you still live here? You can obviously already move to a better place, and not live in this place.

- I want to save up a little and move to a normal place, not a little better. Buy normal furniture and, if possible, will recover at school. This amount cannot be collected in one year.

- You can ask me ... - before he finished, he was interrupted.

- No. You helped me so much, and I still don't know how to repay you for it. Then I can do it myself.

- Hmm. - he did not expect another answer. Still, he already knows her well and knows how firm she can be in her decisions.


- Do you want to know the truth why I have such a strong allergy to the sun? - he asked, being already in a decent place, according to which we can say that the girl has clearly greatly raised her position in terms of money. Of course, thanks to him, but she will never know about it. And not who, not when will not know.

- You are a vampire. - said lightly the girl who was dressed in light pajamas.

- What? How did you know?

- Pfft. Haahahahh. - the girl began to laugh, but looking at his offended face she quickly calmed down. - Are you serious now?

- If you are not interested, then I will not speak. - he turned away from her, showing that he was offended.

- Okay. Sorry. I really shouldn't have laughed.

- You still don't believe me. Now I will prove it to you. - he said, and with a resolute air took off his jacket, on which he immediately put his hand and without the slightest hesitation cut it off with his other hand.

- WHAT ARE YOU DOING! - the girl's voice filled with fear was heard in the house.

- Stop. - he held the girl's shoulder with his whole hand.

- Look. - he said and leaned the severed hand to its rightful place and for great confidence clenched and unclenched it into a fist, showing that everything is all right with her.

- You see. - he tried to say with confidence in his voice, until he saw the girl's tear-stained face.

She carefully took his hand, which he chopped off, gently stroked it and burst into tears with even greater force pressing against his body.

- Sorry. - he said an even more incredible word for him. - We should have done something easier.

She nodded softly, keeping her head from his body. They sat there for several tens of minutes before the girl fell asleep. He lifted her gently on his arm and carried her to bed. Near which he had to sit for several more hours due to the fact that the girl firmly grabbed his wounded arm.

After she woke up, there was no conversation as if it had never happened. It's just that the girl once again examined his hand more closely. And calmly, as far as possible, she accepted this moment.


- Are you reflected in the mirror? - nod.

- What about the photos? Another nod.

- Let's go take a picture then. I want our photo together.

- Good. The man said quietly.

After that moment, their common photo stood in the most conspicuous place in the girl's house.

She never knew where he was doing their common photo. But sometimes Dio stroked the buckle on his belt with tenderness.


He was going to tell her everything. All his life from the very beginning and not hiding anything. In the first, he was really worried. After all, he was not the best person, and he was afraid that she would look at him with disgust. But, to his surprise, he wanted to tell it. He wanted to be open to her.

- I want to tell you about myself. - he said with the most serious voice he could, forcing the girl to become more serious too. Childhood, the Josters, the stone mask, how he was a vampire, how he killed Jonathan and spent a hundred years at the bottom of the ocean.

He told everything without hiding and without lies. For all the time that he spoke, his head all the time looked at the floor, afraid to meet with disappointed dark blue eyes.

- It's okay. - on his tense shoulders lay the hand of a contented voice. - I will not justify you or accuse you of anything. You did what you had to, and I have no right to judge you. For me you are you and nothing else matters to me. - his eyes saw a gentle smile, addressed only to him.

So one of the most terrible moments in his life flew by like an insignificant moment.


- You can't even imagine what I got. - he burst into an apartment that was too familiar for him.

- Come on, surprise me. - said the voice of the surprised girl.

- Recently, an old woman with unusual strength appeared in my subordinates. And with a thing that can awaken these forces. She calls them stands. The stand is a physical manifestation of the user's spiritual strength.

- So.

- I was worthy to receive this power. And I named my stand [The World]. Not only is my Stand the most physically powerful Stand, but it also has the most powerful ability that anyone living on this planet could awaken, my [The World] can stop time. So far, only for two seconds, but over time I can do it for one minute, hour, day, and then as much as I want.

- Wow. - there were notes of doubt in the voice.

- [The World]! The man shouted. And the maiden the that stood in the middle of the room suddenly found itself in its corner. And the strangeness did not end there, she was cheerful in the air almost above the ceiling. The girl's eyes in which there was a monstrous shock did not let go of the man, as long as she smoothly sank to the ground.

- Okay. Ok, I believe you. Show it to me! - said the girl with incredible interest and desire.

- Ahem. There is such a thing. - the girl's eyes reflected suspicion. - only the user of the stand can see the stand. Other people can see him if he is of a certain type.

- Sorry. But it's still pretty cool. Congratulations, with him you will achieve your goals even faster. - the girl did not have a drop of sadness in her voice. Only happiness for a man.

- But if you want. Then I have a way to wake up the stand. Here. - he took out of his pocket a strange golden arrow and twirled it in his fingers.

- No. - She firmly answered and decided to explain herself to the questioning look of the man. - Any power or power gives a certain responsibility, and I do not want to hang it on myself, but just want a quiet life.

He nodded, calmly accepting her decision. He already understood perfectly well that there was no point in arguing with this woman.


There was the sound of a key being pushed into the keyhole. Then it was heard how something was put heavy object on the floor and the sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor. A man walked into the kitchen, where a woman with dark hair tied in a ponytail was cooking. The usual, not unremarkable conversation began, like all the last times that he came here.

Despite the man's calm appearance, she knew him too well.

- Are you worried about something? - despite all his efforts to hide it, he was probably figured out from the very beginning.

- Джостарс. Их вид еще жив. - сказал мужчина с ненавистью. - и они также знают, что я жив. Похоже, вся их семья получила стенд, потому что мое тело принадлежало Джонатану. И похоже, у кого-то есть стенд, который может определить мою позицию. Они знают, что я в Египте. Я уже послал нескольких человек, чтобы остановить их, но один из них уже потерпел неудачу, и я сильно сомневаюсь, что у других тоже получится.

- Вы хотите дождаться их и убить в Египте.

- Да.

- Вы понимаете, что скорее всего умрете? В конце концов, вы их не цените и даете им шанс на победу.

- Теперь у меня есть [Мир], и никто меня не остановит!

- Хороший. - в голосе прозвучало волнение.

- Ждать. - сказал мужчина и вышел из комнаты.

Когда он вернулся, в его руках была маленькая золотая коробочка. Который он открыл, не сбавляя скорости. В ящике лежали три вещи: странная золотая стрела, толстая книга, которую она видела уже несколько раз и представляла собой мужской дневник, и небольшая золотая коробочка, которая была полностью закрыта, а под ней лежала стопка бумаг.

Под вопросительным взглядом женщины мужчина решил поговорить о предметах в коробке.

- Стрела, пробуждающая трибуны, я уверен, что он будет достоин и может использовать ее, чтобы разбудить трибуны, если он захочет, у меня много врагов, и вам нужна защита. Мой дневник, который я записывал всю свою жизнь и свой план достижения небес, я сохраню в более коротком варианте на тот случай, если Пуччи захочет что-то сделать. И мой палец. - на открывшийся рот женщины мужчина поднял руку, прося его выслушать. - если захочет, то все поймет. Я не хочу его принуждать, это будет его выбор, над которым никто не устоит, как я и хотел, только его собственная воля с желанием и ничего более. Пожалуйста, передай его, когда ему будет двенадцать.

- Хороший. - не более того, ничего не сказав, она подошла к мужчине и крепко его обняла. В ответ он одной рукой крепко обнял женщину, а другой положил на слегка выступающий живот.

Сорок дней спустя, 16 января 1989 года, Дио Брандо умер. Она это чувствовала.

Несмотря на ситуацию, в которой плакал бы кто-нибудь еще, она только уверенно впереди и с гордостью вспоминает мужчину, который шел до конца, желая осуществить свою мечту.