Passing the Time

When morning came, all went into the open deck to savour the warm air and clear sky after the never-ending storm last night.

Ryu smelled the ocean breeze. It was unbelievable how calm the ocean was now compared to last night that it almost tore the ship.

All sorts of flying creatures roamed the clear sky, and some sea creatures were hopping from the water like they wanted to play with their ship.

Ryu didn't know what they were. They were different fishes, and some were tentacle like creatures he didn't want to know. They were mesmerizing though, and he enjoyed watching them play in the water. Until an enormous jaws came out of nowhere and swallowed those tiny creatures . . .

Ryu was startled for a moment, and he leaned low on the railing to see what happened.

But he only spotted the blurred silhouette of a gigantic creature before it disappeared in the bottom of the ocean. The beast was massive, almost like the size of the boat.