The Seal of Promise

"Give me all the items that halfbreed acquired in this cave and considered this Seal of Promise fulfilled."

. . .

. . .

Cecily and the others looked at each other and then focused their eyes on Ryu.

"That is the only item I acquired," Ryu said without batting an eyelid.

". . ." The Owner snapped his fan. "Then you leave me no choice."

The parchment of paper glowed brightly as the Owner said, "As the holder of this Seal, I demand that the debt be paid with all the items that Cecily's servant, Ryu, acquired in this cave."

The map in Cecily's hand disappeared, and before anyone knew what was going on, the map emerged in the Owners palms, and with it, the Seal of Promise broke into tiny particles.

". . ."

". . ."

Silence descended, thick and heavy, for it was already a minute and only the map appeared before the Owner. That meant that Ryu wasn't lying.