Three Lairs and Three Tablets 1

As they walked on the tunnel, Ryu was counting the hours with his hands. If he collected antidotes every hour, then they could possibly escape or held Vein captive to give them the real cure to the poison.

There was no way that he didn't carry it with him. Ryu would tell the others later when he got the chance.

Rather, how many antidotes Vein had enough to fill the four of them every hour? Was he bluffing? 

Ryu suddenly felt worried. Vein couldn't keep on supplying them with an antidote. Sooner or later, his supply would run out, and what would happen then? Would he give them the real cure? Or let them die in the end?

Ryu had to think of a way to get Vein between his claws somehow. If talking wouldn't work, they could always resort to torture.

As for now, Ryu focused ahead. He didn't have to worry about ambushes and traps since he already traversed this tunnel before and on the other side . . .