Policewoman Delia, Want to Cooperate?

The woman's attitude wavered.

She had not seen so much food in a long time.

If it had been anyone else, they might have chosen to fire immediately and take Johnson's food.

But she would not.

Johnson smiled and nodded in response.

"Why didn't you just shoot me?

"If you did that, this bag of food would be yours."

The woman's facial expression had returned to normal. She tried hard not to look at the bag of food.

So she could only look Johnson in the eye.

"I'm a police officer. Even though the world is completely different from before, I have my beliefs."

Johnson raised an eyebrow.



Based on this woman's looks, she would probably be the poster girl for the police.

Johnson smiled as he zipped up the bag and set it aside.

He then looked at the police lady in front of him and asked,

"I'm Johnson. What's your name?"

The woman didn't answer immediately. Instead, she asked a question.

"Did you snatch the food?"

This question was very important to her.

If the food was snatched by Johnson, she would rather die than eat it.

But if obtained through other means, then she could establish a cooperative relationship with him.

Even though she didn't know what the other party wanted by cooperating with her, the attraction of food was a huge bargaining chip.

She really wanted to cooperate!

When Johnson heard the policewoman's question, he knew that she would most likely leave with him.

Therefore, he spread out his hands and said casually,

"Of course, I didn't snatch the food. In fact…

"I have a way to purify food that is contaminated by nuclear pollution. Of course, water is also possible."

Although Johnson said it casually, his words had already caused a stir in the policewoman's heart.

Purify food?!

The policewoman gulped.

There was no lack of food in this world, in fact, it was overflowing with it!

But what was missing was clean, uncontaminated food!

If one were to eat food that was contaminated, it was very likely to be infected with some sort of disease or die directly.

Or even become a zombie!

This was not a risk that a normal person could take.

The policewoman couldn't help but glance at Johnson's backpack again.

It was obviously impossible to snatch so much food.

After all… no one could have so much food. Even if someone had the intention to steal food, they could not possibly have accumulated that much.

If the man in front of her could really purify food…

The policewoman slowly lowered her gun and said,

"My name is Delia. Delia Twain."

Johnson just smiled and nodded in response.

"Very well. It seems we can be considered acquaintances now, Miss Delia."

He opened his backpack again, selected a bag of bread and a bottle of mineral water, and placed them on the ground.

Then, he slowly took a few steps back, keeping a distance from the supplies on the ground.

"This is my gift for you for this chance occurrence, Miss Delia."

Johnson's hands were always in Delia's line of sight, so Delia could confirm that Johnson was unarmed.

She immediately thought of a possibility.

"Don't tell me you want my issued gun?"

Delia's eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Johnson warily once again.

While food was important…

…If she lost her weapon, she would find it difficult to proceed on in this world.

Johnson smiled upon hearing her needless worry.

The way he smiled was as though he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Don't worry, Miss Delia."

"Believe it or not, I don't need your pistol."

Delia didn't believe him, but at the same time, neither did she not find it unbelievable.

A human would definitely need weapons.

Although pistols were useful, there were certain limitations.

For example, it could not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Because a shot fired was like telling all the people and zombies in the area: I'm here!

This was a very dangerous move.

So Delia believed Johnson didn't really want her gun.

However, she would also take good care of her weapon and would definitely not throw it away easily.

Delia put the pistol around her waist and walked over to the bread and mineral water on the floor. She stared at Johnson as she slowly bent down to pick up the food on the floor.

She used her left hand the entire time because she needed to empty her right hand to ensure that she could draw her gun at any time.

Johnson naturally saw this very clearly.

But the more he understood this, the more interested he became in Delia.

Was there anything more satisfying than conquering such a woman?

Delia picked up the bread and water. She scanned it quickly, her eyes quickly returning to Johnson.

She hadn't completely let her guard down around Johnson.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Delia asked.

Since it was a collaboration, both sides had to contribute.

It was impossible for one party to contribute while the other party enjoyed the fruits of their labor.

She was very clear on this point.

Faced with such a question, Johnson smiled and simply replied,

"It's very simple. I just want you to join my base and…

…To make you never want to leave again."