The Suspended Sports Meet

When Lin Feng's figure appeared on the field, the girls in the audience burst into thunderous cheers.

Lin Feng was surprised. He hadn't expected himself to be so popular.

He did not know that during this period of frenzy, many of his achievements in school were constantly circulating among students and teachers.

Many students became extremely curious about this very special male.

Even the scale of Lin Feng's fan club was expanding.

So I'm this popular?

Looking around, he quickly found a familiar face among the audience with his excellent senses.

Why is she here too?

Lin Feng's gaze lingered on Li Qingxi for a moment before he looked away.

Has she made some progress with that matter?

Or did she encounter some difficulties?

Li Qingxi was now in charge of a large family clan. Since she had just taken over power, one could imagine how busy she was.