I'm Back?

The morning rays coming from the window illuminated the room. The girl abruptly sat up from the bed, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her chest heaved up and down, as if she ran through a marathon without resting, while her whole body was drenched in sweat, as if she was splashed with water.


With shaky eyes, Ayami looked around and saw a familiar room. It was the room that she used when she was still staying in her family's home.

"Is this the afterlife?" She mumbled to herself. But that can't be! Why would the afterlife look like this?

"I must be dreaming?"

Is that even possible?

Ayami stood up from the bed and looked around the room. That was until she stopped in front of a mirror.

A girl wearing a nightgown, with wide eyes and pale complexion was reflected from the mirror.

The girl looked beautiful, but there was coldness emanating from her, making her look difficult to approach.

She had a pair of deep blue irises and a straight black hair.

"A-A Magic mirror, perhaps? H-haha…" Her voice trembled as she spoke. Ayami laughed. A moment later she stopped laughing.

Magic mirror my ass!

Right now, Ayami looked like a patient that escaped from a mental hospital, based on her behavior. If one were to see her, they would think she was crazy.

"I think I'm going crazy. What the heck is going on?" She mumbled to herself.

"For now, let's get out of this room."

Knock, knock!

Following the sound of the knock, the door opened. A person dressed in a servant's clothing came inside.

"Young Miss, it's time to…" The maid trailed off as she stared with wide eyes at Ayami, who was already up.

At the same time, Ayami felt that the person in front of her was familiar. She pointed at the maid with trembling hands.

"N-No way… Marie?" She spoke with trembling voice. She couldn't believe that she was seeing the young Marie right before her eyes.

That can't be!

Marie was already dead!

"Is something wrong, Young Miss?" The maid, Marie composed herself.

"I… I missed you…" Ayami suddenly lunged towards Marie and embraced her tightly. Tears started to roll down on her cheeks as she hugged Marie.

To think she would be able to meet Marie once again, no word could describe the relief and happiness she was feeling right now.

Ayami had many things to tell her, but she could only cry right now.

Marie, she was the one who sacrificed herself and died in the place of Ayami.

Marie and Ayami were close. She was also Ayami's close confidant.

"Young Miss, did you have a nightmare" Marie didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. She could only pat her back, as Ayami cried into her arms. "There, there. Everything will be alright."

But Marie was really surprised, to think that the Young Miss would be able to show this kind of emotion. The Young Miss she knew was usually distant and cold.

After calming down, Ayami washed her face and cooled down.

"If Marie is here, then this is the afterlife right?" Ayami said while wiping her face.

"Excuse me?" Marie frowned at her and had an expression that says 'What nonsense are you talking about?'.

"Hmm?" Ayami tilted her head. The both stared at each other.

"Marie, if this isn't the afterlife, then where is this?" Ayami asked. She was really confused right now.

"Young Miss, I think you are not yet awake." Marie stiffly spoke.

"Where are we?" Ayami asked seriously. Marie replied, wondering what the heck is wrong with the Young Miss today. "Have you forgotten, Young Miss? We are currently in the Golden Hills Residence, where the master, your father's home is situated in. You just came back just a week ago from your vacation."

When Ayami heard that, she froze. Came back from vacation? Wasn't it that time when she was eighteen years old?

"H-haha… Is this some joke? Marie, today is not April fool's, I'm not falling for that." Her voice wavered, even she could tell that Marie was not joking base on her serious expression.

"That's right! The date! What date is it today?" Ayami frantically asked her. Marie told her the date.


"Young Miss!" Marie shouted as she tried to help her.

Her leg's lost strength and gave up. Her eyes shook as she stared at Marie, who was worriedly looking at her.

18 years… 18 Years ago?

Then did she went back in time?

Why? How?

No, if she really went back in time, then…

Ayami abruptly stood up and ran out of her room.

"Young Miss!" Marie ran after her.

In the dining room, a family of three was eating their breakfast when they heard a commotion.

"What is going on?" asked Dennis, Ayami's father.

"I don't know either." Beside Dennis, was Elsa, Ayami's mother. Sitting right beside her was her youngest daughter, Allina.

Just as they were about to check it out, their eldest daughter ran inside the dining room.

Her hair was a mess and her complexion was pale, like she was being chased by a monster, and she was only wearing a nightgown. Her appearance were unlike what she was usually.

"Dad…" Ayami muttered softly as soon as she saw her father alive and well. Her trembling heart calmed down.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Dennis asked his daughter worriedly. Her behavior was really unusual.

She took a deep breath and spoke with a smile. "It's nothing, just a bad dream."

"A-Are you sure?" Dennis said, while taken a back with her smile. It had been a long time since he last saw her smile.

"Yes, it's nothing. I apologize for the commotion I caused. Uh, I'm going to change first."

With that, she returned back to her room like nothing happened. She pondered over her situation.

So I really went back in time. Ayami thought as soon as she went back.

But maybe all of this isn't real, Come on, How could returning back in time happen? It only happens in novels or movies.

Maybe this is just a dream. A long dream…