A Fateful Encounter

Yanna stared at the entrance of the academy with nervously. She tightly held the pamphlet in her hands.

Finally, after her hard work, she was able to enter the most prestigious academy in the country.

Her eyes glimmered with excitement as she anticipated her days at the academy.

A black Maybach stopped by in front of her. Following that, the window of the car opened and revealed a handsome man.

It was enough to make her heart flutter just seeing his face. For some reason she felt like it was fate as soon as she stared at his eyes, that was deep as the ocean and seemingly sucking her in.

"If all you're going to do is stand there and stare, then you might as well just become a stone. But I would prefer it if you get out of the way and let people pass." The man coldly said.

It seems that his heart wasn't as handsome as his face. Her late mother was right, all just because a man is handsome doesn't mean they have a beautiful heart.

"What did you say?" Yanna's face flushed as she asked him the question angrily.

"Are you deaf or simply didn't get it? Then let me simplify it for you. You're in the way." The man said and shut the window close. He told the chauffeur to drive off.

What! The entrance was clearly as wide as a river, so she wasn't in the way.

Yanna watched the car leave speechlessly. A moment later, everything seem to sink in and she stomped her feet angrily.

"That arrogant bastard! The next time I see you, you're dead!" Yanna shouted at the direction where the car left. She huffed and puffed as she pointed towards his direction.

Yanna made sure to burn his face onto her mind. She won't forget his face!

"…" Ayami silently watched the scene with no expression seen on her face. Throughout the whole scenario she was silently observing.

This was their fateful encounter? Pathetic.

Where is the romantic scene? There was clearly nothing. Nothing at all!

All she could see was an argument between an individual who stood in the way and another one who wants to get out of the way.

How was she so blind to not see this back then?

When this happened in the past, Ayami acted like a villain and stood in between them.

For some reason, back then, her body move on its own and stared harassing Yanna, who was a new student at that time.

That caused Cole to help the poor student who was suddenly harassed by his fiancé. Her image went down the drain as soon as she acted like a villainess.

Her hands trembled in anger as she watched the two of them, get in the car and go inside the academy.

This caused her to even be more angry and act irrational. She harassed Yanna inside the academy until she was expelled, one day, making her stop for a while.

She didn't know the reason why, but whenever she saw Yanna and Cole being lovey-dovey, it set ablaze on her heart and turned that feeling into pure obsession.

The two got closer and closer, while Ayami went insane, slowly falling into the abyss.

"…Aren't you going in yet? We are going to be late." Allina said standing beside her, while looking at her with a complicated gaze.

When they arrived earlier at the entrance, Ayami said she wanted to get off when they were still far away from the building they were suppose to enter.

Allina looked at her weirdly, before deciding to follow her. And after following her, what she saw was her fiancee arguing with someone.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you went in already." Ayami said when she noticed that Allina was actually beside her.

"Whatever." Allina shrugged her shoulders and went inside the academy entrance. She showed her Identification Card and the guards let her enter.

Ayami soon followed after…

Ayami went to her morning classes and studied diligently like an honor student.

Lunchtime, Ayami went to the cafeteria to eat lunch with her 'friend'. On her way, she happened to pass by a scene she didn't really want to see.

A girl was being drag by three girls on a inconspicuous spot, where people don't normally pass through.

They pushed her on the cold hard floor, which made the girl hiss in pain.

"Ah, look at that…" Her 'friend', Celine, spoke softly, almost to the point where Ayami couldn't hear her.

This 'friend' of hers is a very good friend who is very nice and had a heart of a saint. Her kindness almost blinded Ayami, to the point where she didn't want to be friends with her, but since she have some use, she decided to keep their relationship instead of severing it.

This girl was also the one who was keen on convincing her to stop her revenge. Yes, this girl wanted to stop her self-destruction. She didn't mean any harm to her and was purely helping Ayami, even though she gains nothing from it.

"Aren't we going to stop them?" Celine asked. Oh, she really is a kind-hearted girl!

"Let's not stick our nose into other's business. We might the one to get in trouble instead of them." Ayami kindly gave advice, as the girl beside her was too naive.


"No, buts! If you want, we can just watch and see if we could do anything to help." Ayami said with no room for objection, so Celine could only nod her head.

Though, you could just call a teacher, but that thought never passed through Celine's mind. They silently watched the scene unfolding before their eyes, not far away from them.

They started to surround the girl, with arms crossed uniformly.

All of the three girls were ferocious, while the girl they were surrounding was pure and innocent looking. That girl was Yanna.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Tsk. You dare talk to our prince?"

"Slut, you're so ugly that you don't even deserve to live in this world. The only thing you have is your slutty body to seduce men."

All three of them simultaneously spoke spitefully. In novels, these people were most likely cannon fodders, who was used by the villains.

While Yanna was the female lead and Cole was the male lead. Ayami was of course a supporting character. She was used as the one who advances the development of the main leads.

Thus, Ayami wanted to watch what was about to unfold. She hoped that the mean girls would win, though.

Ah, but to think that she was able to cause an incident on her first day, how marvelous Yanna was!

Due to Yanna's personality, she would, of course, never back down when taunted.

"Huh? You think I wanted that bastard's attention. You can have his attention if you want. I don't need trash!"

And then blah blah, yadah yadah, they fought like cats, with words scratching each other. A literal face slapping scene was about to occur.

With Cannon Fodder No. 1, the one who first spoke to her, about to burst in anger, and Yanna still continuing to diss them, cannon fodder 1 couldn't hold her anger and slapped her.

But before her slap could even land on Yanna's delicate cheeks, a hand stopped her from doing so.

"It's you!"