The Heroine of the Story

Yanna Jin, a pure and innocent girl that came from a common household, and someone who manage to pass the exam of the most precious academy in the whole country.

On the outside, she might have come from a warm and caring family, but in actuality, she was abused and neglected.

Even though she had a venomous tongue and a fierce personality to those who wronged her, she could never face the family that raised her like an animal.

After years of hard work, she was finally able to escape and was even accepted in the most prestigious academy.

Life was hard for her, but thanks to her perseverance she managed to live and even catched the attention of the 'Emperor of the Business World'.

She was like the heroine of the story, after living a harsh and difficult life what awaits her was a wonderful world full of colors.

Ayami managed to find out her background after digging around, wanting to find out who managed to thaw the cold heart of the CEO.

"Excuse me, are you alright? Did I injure you?" A voice so sweet and flowery entered her ears.

The girl in front of her was so beautiful and pure as her golden brown eyes blinked at her. Her face was a little bit flush from panic as she waved her hand in front of Ayami.

Ayami stared at her face, she could tell that she really was beautiful and could make a man's cold heart warm, it was also enough to stir the urge to protect her.

Her ink black hair was tied into a ponytail. She was cute and petite, like an animal at the same gorgeous when styled right. She was fat in the right parts and slim on the right places.

As Ayami stared at her, the face of Yanna from the future overlapped.

Standing in front, held at gunpoint, was a woman so mature with her beauty so outworldly and make people breathlessly gawk at her.

"I gave you a chance…" Yanna softly whisper as she looked at Ayami with a downcast glance. Over and over, she tried to give her a chance to repent, but sadly, Ayami never changed.

Was it their destiny to be enemies for life? If only she hadn't fallen in love, then maybe the catastrophe they were facing right now wouldn't happen.

"…Hey, why don't we stop this now." Under the rain, her charms was even doubled. Ayami stared at her with a dangerous glint, she smirked as if she was sneering at her nonsense.

"Stop? We are already at this point, so why should we stop now?" Her voice was sharp as a dagger, enough to kill someone because of the sharpness.

"You're right. We can't stop now. If only… If…" Yanna softly muttered to herself, as if reminiscing the past, the past they spent together.

"Shut up!" Ayami screamed, with her voice hoarse. It was evident that she was angry as she glared at Yanna icily. Ayami scoffed at her. "Hah! You're regretting it now?"

There was a point in time where Ayami and Yanna got along, the time when Yanna cleared the 'misunderstanding' that nothing was happening between Cole and her.

But that was only for a short time. One day Ayami found them in an intimate position.

"I'm sorry Ayami… I am in love with Cole and he…is also in love with me."

"I always wanted to be happy and I realized that I could find my happiness in him."

Every word was like a hammer crushing her heart. Ayami felt like she couldn't breathe. She felt like the world had stopped.

"…I put my trust on you, and yet… you betrayed me?" With great difficulty, she managed to speak.

Ayami's heart was crushed a thousand times, no it felt like it was broken into a million of pieces. It felt like someone rebuilded her broken heart, only for them to destroy it so hard and worse than the last heartbreak.

"I have to say, I got fooled by you real hard. Congratulations! You are the best! I bet you were laughing at me while you watch me, foolishly trying my best to win his heart!"

After Ayami said that, they were over. She never thought she would be betrayed after she finally trusted them.

Her 'love' for Cole had already disappeared the moment she knew of their relationship and the only thing remaining was anger.

On that day, she labeled them as a sly fox and a cheating scum.

The only reason she was chasing them was for revenge, and she won't stop until she completely destroyed them!

Revenge… it was the only thing that was fueling her desire to live. If not, then Ayami doubted that she would still be in this world.

"Ayami…I'm tired of this. So let's end this." Tears were streaming down her eyes as she spoke with melancholy. The rain started to get heavier as the two stayed there.

Why… why are you playing the victim when I am the real victim?

Her hand that was holding the gun was trembling in anger as she clenched it tightly, making her hand pale white.

"…I'm sorry…" She calmly whispered to Ayami as she smiled with great difficulty. Her eyes were calm and serene as words came out of her mouth. "Come, shoot me. If my death is enough to quell your anger, then I don't mind you killing me."

Ayami's closed her eyes and opened them again, the trembling stopped and her resolve was firm. What was there to hesitate?


Ayami pulled the trigger with no hesitation. Yanna slowly fell to the ground. The muddy ground, was soaked with rain and blood.

Just then, Ayami heard a car engine coming towards their direction.

Ayami coldly smiled. It was always like this, being saved by her knight in shining armor, just like the heroine of a story.

Tiring… The life she was living was so exhausting. Ayami calmly thought about her life as she waited for the car to arrive.

She could have escaped on that day, but she didn't.

The car arrived and Ayami watched Cole ran frantically towards Yanna and dramatically hugged her. Ayami smiled.

"I'm here too."

And the rest was history…