Secret Garden

The black leopard stopped dragging Ayami and released her. Ayami heaved a sigh of relief. It was a miracle that she didn't faint. What was even more of a miracle was that the black leopard didn't eat her right away.

Wait, is it gonna eat me here?

Aahhhh! I should have just kicked it and run for my life.

To my dearest family, your eldest daughter is leaving now. I am expressing my regrets through… and so on…

Ayami cried in her heart. At least let her write a dying will!

As Ayami was distracted, she didn't even notice the beautiful area surrounding her.

The black leopard let out a low growl, only then did she snap out of her thoughts and looked around.

The sight in front of her made her gape and widen her eyes. A big beautiful garden that made people take their breaths and stare at it with awe, was in front of her.

It had a peaceful and tranquil mood, that made people relax while gazing at the garden.

It was also enchanting, like a magical garden behind the eerie forest. It felt like it came out of a fairy tale book.

Ayami wondered how a garden like this exist like this in the academy, even though she studied here for four years in the past.

Ayami wanted to look around, but she hesitated. She looked at the black leopard, who was rolling on the grass. Thinking that the black leopard won't probably attack her, she started looking around cautiously.

Ayami was so absorbed in the garden that she didn't notice that the black leopard was following her quietly.

The garden was divided into parts, the plants and flowers were designated into a certain area. The garden had a small pond at the center with koi fishes on it and a bench in front of it. There was also a picnic area inside the garden. There was a well made pathway with a flowerbed on each side leading towards an exquisite wooden cottage.

Truly a haven for relaxing!

Ayami went towards the cottage, wondering if there was somebody there. She climb the wooden steps that were only two steps.

On the front of the cottage, were wooden chairs and a wooden table. There was a wall lamp on each side of the door. The flower vine was snaking on the wooden fences.

"Hello?" Ayami knocked on the door and then peeked inside the cottage through the window.

It seems like nobody was there as there was no answer. Ayami sighed, she wanted to ask for a way back. Although she liked the garden, the black leopard was really unsettling.

She was alone right now and who knows if it suddenly attacks her. But her being afraid doesn't mean she can't fight.

Anyways, seeing as there was no human in sight here, Ayami decided to just go towards the pond and look at the fishes.

How boring!

Although the garden was pleasing to the eyes, it was enough to easily bored her when she had been doing nothing but look around for three hours!

How unlucky she was to forget her phone today!

It was only now did Ayami realize that she didn't bring her phone with her. If she did, then she would have gotten out of this forest a long time ago.

"Grooowll~" It was certainly not the black leopard growling, but it was her stomach. Ayami looked at her watch, it was already lunchtime. She missed her morning classes because this happened.

The black leopard was beside her playing in the grass. Ayami deemed it as someone friendly after spending time with it.

"I wonder if you have a name." Ayami mumbled as she reached out to the black leopard, feeling brave. Surprisingly, the black leopard didn't bite off her hand, but rubbed its head to her hand.

Ayami smiled, but her stomach grumbled again. "Ah, I'm hungry…"

Then, she heard a voice that was soothing to the ears, akin to an angel.

"Then, have this." A delicious yummy bread was handed to her, Ayami, of course, accepted it without thinking and ate it.

But then, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. So she almost choked on her food.

"Cough, cough!"

"Woah, easy on your food. Here, water." The angel-like voice was heard from the side as she saw a bottle of water being handed to her. Ayami turned her head abruptly and saw a young man with hazelnut brown hair and dark forest green eyes that were hidden under the bangs and a big round glass.

"Hello!" The young man cheerfully greeted her while smiling gently. Ayami instantly backed away as she screamed while panicking.

"What the heck! Who are you?" Ayami asked as she pointed her trembling fingers towards the young man.

Looking at him now, she realized that he was a student and not some wandering spirit. He blended in so naturally that Ayami got creeped.

"That's what I should be asking you. You shouldn't be here. Didn't you know, this area is strictly forbidden to those who doesn't have special access? It was even written on the sign in the entrance." The young man explained.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ayami asked while confused.

"Are you new here?" The young man asked the question, to which Ayami shook her head.

"Huh? Then why didn't you know? Wasn't it explained during the start of the year that there were some restricted areas? You weren't listening? They even gave a map with the restricted areas circled. If someone were to enter the restricted areas, then they would be punished, at worst expelled."

What? There was something like that? Ayami thought. How could she even remember something that was already in the past?

"Was there something like that? I can't remember…" Ayami played dumb.

"Alright, by the way I'm Kayden Clyde. And you are?" The young man introduced himself.

Ayami reluctantly gave her name. "Ayami Le…Gardner."

"Le Gardner? I don't think I've heard that name before." Kayden mumbled to himself. Ayami corrected him. "It's Gardner."

"Anyways, do you know the way back? I got lost." Ayami spoke pitifully. Kayden tilted his head to the side with a frown on his face as he spoke. "How could you get lost?"

"Huh?" Ayami exclaimed.

"You don't understand, huh. I'll show you then." Kayden guided Ayami back. It was so simple, just walk a straight line for a short while and then you're out.

"See, you won't get lost in here."

Ayami was astonished. She was out of that forest for a short while? Then why did she stay there for a few hours if that was so simple.

On the entrance, just like Kayden have said, was a warning. Ayami could see the faculty building just near them.

"Then why is there a forest in the academy?" Ayami mumbled to herself. Kayden heard her mumbled and kindly explained. "It was for visual effects. They made it eeriely so students who wanted to enter would be scared and feel lost, just like you. It was also made so the students wouldn't be able to easily go to the garden. There was also Midnight, the black leopard, guarding and patrolling."

"By the way, you should check out the map of the academy. The academy is so big that you might get lost, if you're not yet familiar."

Kayden explained a bunch of things she didn't know. As she was not really interested in the academy and just study in her own world, she didn't know a lot of things in the academy. She was also busy dealing with the couple so she had no time for gossips.

"Thank you, Mr. Clyde for showing me the way out." Ayami thanked him sincerely.

"No worries, just don't get lost again." Kayden smiled gently while waving his hands. He went back inside the small forest.