Internet Cafe

After eating her steamed buns, only then did she focus towards the person in front of her.

"By the way, do you frequent here often?" Ayami asked, as he looked like a regular.

"On weekends." Kayden simply answered. "If you are asking why I'm so early, because there is not much people going in here in the morning. What about you?"

"My favorite steamed buns are always sold out whenever I come to buy, so I had to go early." Ayami used the same excuse.

"Really? I don't think I've heard of them being sold out." Kayden mumbled to himself.

"A-Ahahaha, Of course not. That was just an exaggeration!" Ayami laughed nervously as she panicked inside. She made a mistake.

Although this eatery is desolate and not popular, in the future, this store woul be well-known and would overtake the whole food industry. So whenever she goes here to buy her steamed buns, it was always sold out.

"A-Anyways, d-do you know where I can find a good Internet cafe here? One with a private room?" Ayami tried to change the topic. She would be going there later, so it would be helpful to know.

"Are you going to play? Hmm… There is one around here. Here, I'll give you the location." Kayden took out his phone. "I'll send it to you, so let's exchange contacts."

Ayami took out her phone from the bag and gave him her contact details. They exchanged their contact details. Ayami saved his number in her contacts.


A sound came out from her phone. Ayami looked at her messages and saw that Kayden sent a hello and after that the location of the Internet cafe.

Ayami sent him a thank you message. Kayden smiled and spoke. "You're welcome. By the way, do you use MInstant?"

"MInstant?" Ayami tilted her head as she looked at him. "Is that a brand name for noodles?"

"Pfft. Of course not. Are you kidding?" Kayden stifled his laughter, but when he looked at Ayami's serious face that didn't look like she was joking, he also turned serious.

"You… You really don't know?" He asked with a frown on his face. Ayami shook her head. "Just which rock did you live under?"

"What about your friends, do they not tell about this? Surely you have some friends that use MInstant, right?"

Ayami didn't speak after a long time. Kayden started to look at her with pity.

Kayden looked back to the day they first met, Ayami was lost and didn't even know about the forbidden areas. It was impossible for someone to enter that area without knowing anything. There was even a rumor going around, everyone in the academy surely heard it. Ayami must have spent her days in the academy alone.

Worry not, my junior, for I, your senior, is here!

"I'll be your friend. So if you need anything you can come to me." He spoke with a bright smile on his face and extended his hand.

"I do not need your pity." Ayami coldly spoke. "And also, I have friends, alive and well. It's just that I don't pay attention to news that much and I also just recently got a phone, so I don't know what to with it much."

"I see. Then you are behind times. I just noticed but your phone's model is quite old. Do you want to change it to the latest? I can help you! By the way, MInstant is a Social Media platform and you can also do variety of things there, like messaging and video chat. Oh, do you want to know the latest gossips in the academy, just visit the forum and you can find hundreds of scandals and rumors. And also…"

Kayden completely blabbered on and on, without waiting for her answer. So basically, he wanted to help Ayami adjust to modern times.

"Enough. I'll be your friend, so I can ask you whatever I want to know at any time?"

"Really? Yay! Cheers to our newfound friendship!" He spoke with delight, happy to find a new friend. "Come on, eat with me."

After that, they finished their breakfast and went out of the eatery with full stomachs.

"I have something to do, so I'll be going now." Kayden smiled warmly as he waved his hand. Ayami also smiled and waved her hands.

Ayami looked at his leaving back. He really was a talkative and friendly person with a high energy. Ayami couldn't believe they became friends easily. This wasn't in her plan!

Ayami checked the time on her phone. It was already 8 AM. She wasted time hanging out with that guy, but why does it feel like time wasn't wasted at all.

It felt like time quickly passed by when she was with him.

Ayami shook her head and snap out of her thoughts. Kayden have already left long ago, how much time is she going to waste?

Ayami pulled down her cap and hood to hide half of her face.

Ayami went to the internet cafe Kayden told her. It was a normal internet cafe.

"Welcome." The staff warmly welcomed. Ayami was troubled on the inside as it was her first time going. She gained her composure when she remembered what Kayden told her about internet cafes.

"Uh, um. I-I would like 3 hours for a private room."

"Alright. Do you have a membership card? You can have a discount if you have it."

"I don't have one."

"If you don't have one, you can register. The members here have privileges, like discount, longer hours, You can also schedule your time and have a reserved private room in advance and etc. So would you like to register?"

"I'll think about it." That was all Ayami could say as she was given a card and a key. Before she left, the staff warned her. " Be sure not to lose the card or the key."

Ayami went to the second floor and went to the private room with the number 7. She inserted the key and after that she locked the door.

It was just a small room with a computer and headphones on top of the table and a comfortable chair.

Ayami looked around, in case there was a hidden camera. After confirming that there were no hidden cameras, Ayami sat down on the chair and turned on the computer.

Then, she took out her phone and a USB, stored inside was the materials she would use for blackmailing.

It was necessary to go to an internet cafe than use the one inside the academy, as there is a high chance that she would get caught.

After the computer turned on, she inserted the USB stick on it.