A Good Show (1)

The two who just arrived garnered the attention of the people inside the hall. Even the main star of today went to greet the bigshot who arrived.

"Haha! Mr. Cole, you came!" Arnold Wang smiled ear to ear, as if he was happy that he came. He didn't care if Cole garnered the attention of the masses.

Then, after Arnold Wang greeted him, as if a huge tide was coming, a crowd started to gather around them.

"Oh my, I didn't know that Mr. Filburn is coming."

"Gosh, if I knew I would have put more effort in my make-up!"

"Hello, oh my, what a beautiful girl. The two of you suit each other."

Dressed in a blue party dress with her hair tied into a fishtail crown braid, Yanna, smiled amicably as people from all sides greeted the both of them.

While Cole was exchanging greetings to the guests, her eyes wandered and scanned the faces of the people inside the venue, but sadly, she couldn't find the person she was looking for.

'Why isn't Ayami here?' She thought as she looked for her again. If she remembers correctly, Ayami should have attended this party.

Yanna could see Ayami's parents on a table but there was no Ayami on sight, she didn't care much about her sister, Allina.

"I'll be leaving for a while." Cole leaned to her and in a gentle voice with a slight smile on his face. But that action made Yanna blush and back away for a little bit.

Even though she was already used to it, reverting back to when she was eighteen, made Yanna feel like she was experiencing her first love again. She felt like her mind reverted when she went back in time.

"A-Alright. Just go already." Yanna said, with her ears red as tomato as she pushed him away.

After Cole left, she touched her cheeks and a gleeful smile surfaced on her beautiful face.

But, she didn't know, this fleeting happy moment would be utterly crushed later as trouble came to find her.

"Hi there!" A woman cheerfully greeted her, but Yanna, based on her experience and memory, could tell that this woman had a hidden intention.

Then, she realized that she was surrounded by women on all sides with no way out. They were all smiling, but she could tell that under their eyes, was a malicious intent.

'What? This never happened before!' She thought while she pretended to be calm.

"Um, may I ask what's your business with me?" Yanna smiled while observing them.

"Goodness. Why are you so wary?" A woman from the crowd said.

"You look like a scared chick. Don't worry little girl we won't eat you." In a sarcastic tone, another one spoke.

"We just want to know what's your relationship with Mr. Filburn." A woman, who seemed to be the leader, stepped in.

"Yeah, you know, it's weird that Mr. Filburn would suddenly bring a new partner, instead of his fiance."

At the mention of the fiance, Yanna flinched for a little bit as her eyes shook a little, before she became calm again.

Yanna closed her eyes and opened them again a moment later.

Would she be intimidated by the likes of this? Of course not!

She had already experienced a lot of things worse than that so why would she be intimidated. If it were in the past, sure she would be intimidated a little bit.

"It is none of your business." She said with a fierce look on her face.


"You! How dare you say that!"

The atmosphere became tense as Yanna glared at them.

Meanwhile, Allina who was on the side thought.

'Sister! What the heck? She didn't even look intimidated, not even in the least bit!'

Allina then thought back to when she was threatened to do what her wicked sister requested.

"Allina, I want you to do something for me later." There was a bright smile on Ayami's face as she spoke, that smile of hers felt refreshed.

"Why do I have to?" Allina complained as she went to her walk-in-closet.

"You don't want to?" Ayami tilted her head. Then she sighed as she put her hand on her cheek. "Haa… What a shame… I even painstakingly took your beloved crush's photo. Oh well, I guess I'll just delete it. Ah wait, maybe I should show this to father and aunt first."

Then, Ayami waved her phone with a picture of a man in front of Allina with a victory smile on her face. "So what will you do, my cute little sister?"

"…Y-You… How? And where did you get that!" Allina shouted as she tried to grab Ayami's phone from her.

"Hmm? Lil' sis, I have my connections."

Yeah right, she had her stalkers, uh, informants to find out her crush. Ayami have to admit, their services are really good, fast and accurate.

"Wait, I just thought of a good idea! Maybe I should post this on the forums. The title should be—" Before Ayami could even finish, Allina covered her mouth and glared at her.

"What do you want me to do?" In a grave tone, Allina spoke. She felt like she lost to a lottery after spending her last amount of money on it.

Ayami wiggled her index finger. "Simple. Do you know Yanna Jin?"

"The new student?"

"Yes, I want you to gather your 'friends' and intimidate her. The rest, I will handle it. If it doesn't work…"

She trailed off as the tone of her voice became seriously cold, she was smiling yet her eyes were not, there was a dangerous glint in her gaze which sent chills down her spine.

"Do you want to know what would happen?"

So that led her to this situation. Allina didn't even want to think about what would happen if she failed.

She had no choice but to follow that wicked demoness' order.

So, Allina decided to execute another plan and intimidate her even more as her current plan she spontaneously came up with didn't work.