
In a big dark place, three people were seated in a chair, all tied up. One was a woman while the other two were men. 

The first one to wake up was the woman. She opened her eyes and looked around, but sadly, she couldn't see a thing.

She grew nervous as she tried to move, but unable to, due to her being tied up. She tried to scream for help, but only a muffled voice came out as her mouth was gagged up.

Just what happened? The woman wondered, as she slowly started to go crazy from fear. 

Just what started this?

It all happened when the woman whose name was Nina, received a text message from a stranger. She didn't know who it was but she didn't care when she saw the amount of money the stranger would give her when she completed the task.

The task was to only stalk a rich young miss and report to them what she was doing. Blinded by greed, Nina accepted, without knowing that she was used as a pawn.

"Are they not awake yet?" A voice belonging to a woman entered her ears. It was cold and apathetic, yet it sent chills down her spine.

"The woman is already awake, while the other two are not yet awake." A woman answered her.

"Then, let's start with the woman first." As soon as Nina heard that, she felt fear creeping up to her.

What do I do? What do I do?

Nina panicked as the blindfold covering her eyes was slowly removed. She was slightly blinded from the sudden light directed at her. She couldn't clearly see the people hidden under the shadows.

"Remove her gag." The woman whose voice she heard first, spoke again. It was like she was finding this situation a pain.

Nina knew what she needed to do and that was to beg for mercy.

As soon as the gag was removed from her mouth, Nina immediately screamed and cried. "I don't know! I don't know anything!"

"Please spare me, I really don't know anything." She pleaded for mercy to the people that captured her.

"Shut it." It was spoken normally but it felt like if Nina didn't follow her, she would instantly die. Biting her lower lips, she tried to force the words back inside her.

Silence engulfed the whole room, nobody spoke a single word nor made a sound. Even they held back their breathing.

Nina felt like she was being stared at. If she made a single movement or sound then she is as good as dead. Her knees were trembling as she endured the pressure coming from the woman.

"Wake the two men. The woman is useless. Dispose of her." The woman spoke like she was bored.

"W-What…?" Nina couldn't believe it. The color of her face went pale. As the men dressed in black started to approach her, she shook her head and shouted. "N-No. P-please…! I'm still useful!"

Seemingly annoyed by the shouts of Nina, the woman sharply spoke. "Silence her."

"N-No! W,What are you…? Mmpphh…! Cough! H-hel—!"

A moment later, it was quiet again. Nina was sitting on the chair, motionless. There was a white foam from her mouth, her lips were blue, her eyes wide open, her whole demeanor was pale and there was blood on her clothes.

The men dressed in black carried her away from the room to dispose of her.

"Next time, do it fast." The woman spoke languidly.

The men dressed in black gulped as they understood what would happen next time they failed to satisfy the young miss.

After Nina's body was carried out, the two men who were unconscious were woken up by the bucket of water splashed onto them.

Just like Nina, the two men were wondering where they were and what just happened. Their blindfolds were slowly removed as per the young miss' order.

Like Nina, both of them were also panicking wondering what they would do to the two of them, no, only one of them was truly panicking.

"Dispose of the other man. The one with the weird haircut." The woman ordered.

Now, only one man was left. He looked like he was panicking, but he wasn't even in the least bit afraid. His eyes were wandering around observing the situation he was in.

"Strip him." The woman ordered and the men followed her orders.

They stripped him one by one until he was only wearing his underwear.

He trembled as he spoke. "W-What are you going t-to do to me? P-Please… I-I h-have a wife and a c-child."

The woman sneered at him. "What does your wife and child have to do with this? Ah, do you want me to kidnap them? Well, as if they ever existed."

The man instantly shut up.