
Beep, Beep!

Ayami slightly opened her eyes, waking up to the alarm continuously ringing loudly, telling her that it was time to wake up and get ready for another day.

She stared at the same ceiling she always sees whenever she wakes up. The alarm continued to ring loudly. It was the only sound that was breaking the deafening silence.

For Ayami, the day was the same as usual, if not for the fact that her head felt like it was splitting from the pain. Ayami massaged her temple as she got up from the bed and turned off the alarm. She sat back down on the edge of her bed while groaning in a low voice. 

Then, the next thing she did was to check her phone for messages. Celine texted her saying, "Let's eat breakfast at the cafeteria. You. Must. Come. Okay?"

Then she checked the other phone. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at the interface.

Time Left: 4d 16h 27m 12s

Ayami let out another groan as she felt an intense headache. She clicked her tongue and stood up.

Did I sleep too much? Ayami thought as she searched on the cupboard for medicine for headache.

All she could remember yesterday was being followed by random people and dealing with and then she went home afterwards, then, after having a pointless conversation with the stalker, she fell asleep and didn't wake up afterwards.

Ayami heard that sleeping too much could also cause headaches. Her stomach was empty from not eating a proper meal, so she felt slightly dizzy.

"Found it." Ayami mumbled as she took the tablet and drank it. It should be enough to alleviate the pain.

Then, she took a quick shower and wore her uniform. Ayami went to the cafeteria after she finished preparing. She couldn't skip today because she might get suspended or worse, expelled.

The academy is strict after all. Skipping more than 3 days continuously without a valid reason could get the student suspended or expelled, unless they have a valid reason like in Ayami's case where she was hospitalized for a week.

Ayami still felt a slight headache as she left her dorm. She locked her dorm and looked around. There was no one around, no flying knives either.

Ayami expected that there would be some as they did say it would get more dangerous. So, she headed to the cafeteria with a light heart. But suddenly…

Swish! Swish!

Halfway through, two men dressed in all black from head to toe, only their eyes were visible. 

"A-A ninja!" Ayami exclaimed, bewildered by the ninja-looking men suddenly appearing in front of her. There are ninjas appearing in broad daylight?

No, wait. They must be cosplayers. That should be the normal thought of a person when they see one, but Ayami felt a dangerous aura coming from them. Killing intent. Was this the people the stalker sent?

"Are you sent by that guy?" Ayami knew that there was no point in asking that question, as usually, they wouldn't speak. She was just buying time for herself to run away.

For them to be able to appear before her, undetected, their skills must be higher than hers. Ayami would be able to deal with them if only she had the same body from the future. Although she could still do some self-defense, her strength wasn't enough to take the two experts down.

So the best way is to run away right now. There was no way there would be a third chance. She didn't want to experience death again. But unfortunately for her, there was no way out, as two men wearing the same outfit as the other two, appeared behind her.

Her gaze sank as she looked at the two new players who joined the game. Even so, that didn't mean she would give up. Her brain started to rack out ideas at a rapid pace.

The four of them looked at each other. Using their eyes as signals, they started to attack Ayami, giving her no chance to escape.

Ayami took a deep breath and started preparing for the incoming attack. Two men threw a throwing knife at her in a quick motion, while the other two tried to knock her.

She nimbly dodged two out of the four throwing knives thrown at her and the fist that was aimed at her head. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to dodge the two knives and got a shallow cut on her right arm and left leg. She was kicked in the guts, making her hunch down to the ground and vomit a clear liquid.

Ayami hissed, as she felt her eyes getting blurry from the tears slowly forming. It was really painful and nauseating to the point that she preferred to pass out. That kick was too powerful for her current body.

But she didn't have time to feel the pain as they started to attack her again, without wasting any time for her to recover.

Ayami tried to dodge all of their attacks even in her current state, but sadly, she could only dodge some of them, earning more injuries.

That freaking bastard!!!

I swear I'll kill that damn stalker!

Ayami cursed inside her mind, dodging some of the incoming attacks directed at her, while her movements got slower.