Please, No.


Ayami almost dropped her phone as she read the message. They weren't done yet and possibly, they would bring forth stronger resources.

That can't happen! I need to get out of here!

With her current state, she doesn't even have the energy to walk, let alone run and escape. She bit her lips and ruffled her hair in frustration.

This damn stalker!!!

"What's wrong?" Kayden asked after seeing her distressed expression. Ayami turned to look at him while trying to look as pitiful as an abandoned cat. "Um, I don't want to stay here."

"Then I'll send you home." Ayami widened her eyes as she panicked. I can't let that happen!

"No!" Her sudden outburst caught him by surprise. Ayami tried to muster up her strength and approached Kayden in a panicked state. As her legs were still wobbly, she lost her balance and fell on top of Kayden. Not having any choice, Kayden could only grab her waist to make sure she wouldn't fall off.

Ayami leaned closer to his face and pleaded with him, not noticing their embarrassing position. "Please, no."

"My parents will worry if I go home with bandages all over my body." Ayami pleaded with puppy eyes, while leaning more closer as Kayden was backing away. She was intent on not going back to her home.

"Then, let's go back to your dorm?" Ayami shook her head. That was a big NO. "Celine would find out and tattle on my parents."

"Then why not stay here?"

"I hate it here." Ayami looked even more pitiful as she said that but on the inside: Nope, not really.

She had to hurry or else they would get here, no they might already be here. 

"Then where?" Kayden furrowed his brows. Ayami shrugged her shoulders, she didn't know either. "Somewhere safe?"

Kayden thought for a moment before he smiled brightly. "Then how about my place? Are you okay with that?"

"Eh, won't I trouble you?" Kayden shook his head. "It's fine. We're also gonna have some fun. So fun that you would pass out from exhaustion."

"So do you agree?" Ayami eagerly nodded her head, as long as she could get out of here. Unbeknownst to her she would regret it later on.

"Then, could you get off now?" Ayami didn't seem to realize how close their bodies were. Then, as if realization dawned to her, Ayami's face flushed.

The smile on Kayden's face didn't fade, as he found her reaction amusing. Ayami's face was as red as a tomato. She tried to get off him in a flustered manner.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Before she could get off him, a man looking like an assistant entered and saw the scene. He cleared his throat, making his presence known to the both of them.

"Ahem. Sir, sorry to interrupt. I have brought the miss' change of clothes." He spoke with a straight face as if he wasn't bothered by the lovey-dovey scene in front of him. But on the inside, he was screaming.

What in the world am I witnessing? Is this… Is this… 

Ahhhhh… To think there would come a day where he would witness a lovey-dovey scene which he could only see in romance fictions. Truly, this day was the most memorable day to him!

Ayami immediately got off him as soon as the assistant entered. The assistant handed her the bag of clothes. Ayami thanked him and went to the restroom that was also inside the private room to change.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at the brand of the clothes. It was LINK, the most sought-after brand in the country. It's single piece cost millions of money. She heard that they must first have a reservation and had to wait for a year before they could get their order.

Inside the bag, was a casual green dress that flowed until her knees and a pair of green flat shoes that matched with the dress. After she finished dressing up, she confidently walked out of the restroom.

"It looks good on you." He said while checking her out from top to bottom with a thumbs up. While the assistant was nodding his head in satisfaction.

"By the way, how were you able to buy this dress from that brand?" Ayami narrowed her eyes. It would have been accepted if the one who bought it was from the five families. Kayden scratched his cheeks. "It was a gift from a friend."

"Why would they give you a dress?" Ayami thought his friend was weird. 

"Actually, they wanted me to wear that…" He seemed embarrassed as he continued on. "They said I would look more beautiful if I wore that…"

After hearing the reason, Ayami blurted out, "Are they perverts?"

No, it's more like they were bullying him.