Let's Do Bad Things Together

"Wow, so this is your room." Ayami said as she looked around his room. It was a pretty normal room, although it was a little bit bigger.

"I'll go get us some snacks, you stay here." Ayami nodded her head. Kayden examined her complexion. Thankfully, she was fully relaxed. She didn't notice earlier, but she was really pale even though she looked calm. After making sure she was comfortable, Kayden left.

What a surprise. To think he lived here.

Lux Residency, it was one of the most prestigious places to live. It's residence came from a prominent and influential family. They also boasted their tight security and the crime rate was almost nonexistent. 

It was on the opposite way to where she lives, which was called Golden Hills Residence. They were almost the same when it came to the residence.

Anyways, I can finally take a breather. 

Ayami took out her phone. Celine was asking where she was. Ayami sent her an apology message. While she did so, she contacted her father to help Kayden, which his father readily agreed. It surprised her that he would actually agree to her request which had some risk.


"Do you think you could hide there like a rat?"

Ayami ignored their message. Oh well, I think I should take this chance to relax and have some fun.

Ayami started to look around his room. It was really ordinary and nothing stood out. His room was painted with boring black and white colors, surprisingly. She expected that his room would be flashy considering his goofy personality. He had a big king sized bed, with a nightstand on either side. Ayami looked through the drawers of the nightstand, even though she knew it was rude. But all it had was… chocolates…

There were another two doors in his room, probably one of them leading to a bathroom and the other to his studies, as her room was also like that.

Speaking of, wouldn't this look like he was bringing his girlfriend home to introduce to his parents?

At that thought, Ayami immediately slapped herself. What the heck are you thinking? Ayami scolded herself inside.

"Hey, I'm back." Kayden said with a woman dressed in maid's clothing following behind him, while pushing a trolley cart with tea and a variety of snacks on it. The maid bowed and quietly left the room.

They both sat on the edge of the bed with the trolley cart in front of them. Kayden picked up a cookie and offered it to Ayami while also leaning closer to her ear.

Ayami could feel his hot breath near her ear, making her feel tingly and weird. For some reason, her chest was tightening like she couldn't breathe.

Then he whispered to her ear, making it feel like she received an electric bolt. His voice was gentle, yet at the same time charming and playful, enough to make thousands of women get charmed just by his voice alone.

"You have to eat lots and rest well, because later we will do lots of bad things together."

We will do lots of bad things together.

Lots of bad things together.


The word bad things echoed in her mind like a broken record. Ayami felt like her brain started malfunctioning. Why… does that sound suggestive…?

"Fuuu…" As if that wasn't enough, Kayden blew through her ears, making her yelp and touch her ears.

Then, as if nothing happened, Kayden smiled and put the cookies in her wide open mouth. Then he turned to the trolley cart to get more cookies to eat.

Ayami could only eat the cookies in a daze. She couldn't even taste it. She took a peek at Kayden, who was stuffing the snacks into his mouth like a glutton.

For some reason, she felt like something shattered as dark lines appeared on her forehead. 

"Why aren't you eating? Here. We will need energy later."

Hey, I'm a patient and still need to recover, have you forgotten?

Ayami could only eat the cookies while grumbling inside. She was already tired.