A Lonely Night

"Did you regret it?"

"Regret what?" Yanna asked with a smile on her face. Based on her expression, Ayami knew that she was playing dumb. Ayami clicked her tongue at her before rolling her eyes. Of course she wouldn't.


Ayami was pertaining to the day Yanna betrayed her. 

An awkward silence followed after that, making it unbearable for the both of them. Yanna was the first one to speak. "Aren't you going to go now?"

"No?" Ayami shook her head. "Didn't I say that I'll stay here?"

"You were serious about that?" Yanna looked at her in surprise. She could only sigh and agree. There were still some things to talk about and she didn't have the energy to argue as the sudden flood of memories attacked her mind, making her a little bit confused. "Fine."
