How Embarassing!

"Fine, I agree, I agree!"

With no choice left, John could only agree. Based on where the gun was pointing, John knew that the girl would shoot his son's head next. This girl would really kill his precious son if he did not agree to her wishes. 

John is, in fact, a coward. His stern and serious expression that he showed towards his subordinates was only a brave front. Why else would he hide for years as the leader of the gang? It was because he was afraid of being assassinated. He did everything for him and his son to be safe. 

"That's good. I thought that I'll have to kill your son first before you agree." The girl giggled, but the words coming out of her mouth were scary. 

"I'll let you go for now. Your son needs treatment after all." Ayami said as she pointed at Devin. Then she stood up and ordered her men to stay here and keep an eye on the father and son. She also asked to investigate the woman. "Let's talk again when you have calmed down."