A Strange Development Leading to an Intense Quarrel

'W-Wedding? Wait, who even is this guy?'

Ayami could not recognize the man no matter how deep she dug her memories. That meant that she did not meet this guy in the past.

Kayden let out a hollow chuckle as he responded back to the man. "Sorry, you're not invited."

The man was dismayed at that. "What a shame." The man glanced at Ayami and smiled widely. "Won't you introduce me to your dear lover?"

"You're not worthy to know her name." Kayden smiled, though his eyes were as sharp as a dagger. Then, he casually introduced the man. "This stupid looking guy is Klein Silverfang."

I thought that you were here to negotiate, why are you being mean to him? Though I do admit, he looks stupid.

"Little miss lover, your dearest is bullying me." Klein pouted like a child. Seeing a grown adult act like that, she couldn't help but frown in disgust. A man-child is what they call.