Princess of the Lein Family

The Lein Family, in terms of wealth and power, they come in second. The patriarch was Oujiro Lein, an unknown man who suddenly came out of nowhere and shook the entire country. Nobody knows how he got wealth and power, he just suddenly rose to the top, claiming the second spot sitting right below the first spot, which was the Roswell Family.

It was rumored that in the past, when the world was in the state of war, he stepped up and made great contributions for the country. And that was the start of his foundation. From there on, he grew his roots and became one of the most influential person in the country. Nobody doubted him anymore.

Wealth, power, influence, anything you could get, he owned it, but only, he could not and that is, the top spot. Many flocked towards him. He was reachable, unlike the mysterious and unknown Roswell Family who works under the shadow.