Best Friends Forever

Ayami trotted through the familiar hallways that she always saw in the past, while Marie quietly followed after her.

After walking for a while, she reached a large room that was meant for guests. There were two guards guarding the door and when she entered, there were eight of them stationed by the wall.

She scanned the rooms and finally the person she was looking for. Celine… She…

Celine was pigging on the donuts that was served to her…

This sight made her baffled, what had she been worried for?

"Ahem." Ayami cleared her throat to catch the attention of the woman who was continuously shoving donuts to her mouth.

Celine turned her head. At first, she was surprised, then happy, before her face finally turned into a scowl. Her face was so scrunched that it looked ugly.

"What took you so long? Do you know how nervous I was?"