Here we go again 4

At Silver Paradise.

With the help of local authorities, Quan and Brant were bailed out with a pledge, stating to not repeat the same practice. It solved quite fast but for the one waiting outside of the club, it lasted eternity.

Finally Quan strode out with his whole body covered with bloody wounds and bruises. Restless and jumpy, Yan ran to him to check his injuries while whimpering in pain. 

"Why are you crying?" Annoyed at the painful sensation across his body, the anger mixed his tone. 

"Okay. I'll stop." She proceeded to wipe out her tears staining face and sniffed forcefully to hold back her overpowering feeling of sadness. Then, she dragged him to a bench to sit on it. "Wait here. I'll get you bandages at a pharmacy." 

Looking around, Xiulan was nowhere to be found. She might be alright, shouldn't she? He thought.