How Do I Look?

"…thanks," Christian said lamely. 

"I'll pass on your message to Frostine too! I see her a lot since our powers are so similar. Take care of yourself, Mercury. And congratulations in advance. Whoever your fiancée is, she's a lucky woman to end up with a dependable guy like you," Delta said with a smile. 

He smiled back genuinely. No, they hadn't been friends in a traditional sense, but they had a good run knowing each other. He thought Delta was dependable too. 

"I appreciate it. Take care of yourself, Delta." 

"Oh, I will! Frostine will make sure of it whether I like it or not. She has my back whenever she's around…even if she does give me a hard time for it afterward. Who knows?  Maybe I'll join you in retirement sooner or later. I feel like I still have a few good years left in me. I don't have a reason to quit like you do either but a guy can hope! Have a good life, Mercury!"