This Seemed Awfully Familiar

This dance game required no more concentration than a challenging fight did. Jocelyn was rather enjoying herself. She didn't expect the applause when the song ended though. She hadn't even realized a crowd had formed around the machine. She had been too focused on what she was doing.

"That was amazing!" 

"I've never seen anyone do that well in DDR!" 

"How many years have you been practicing this? I can't even imagine how many quarters you must have used to get to that level."

Jocelyn didn't know how to say this was her first time ever doing it. She simply said thank you and turned to Keith. "Do you want to pick the next song?"

He was gaping at her too. But rather than saying anything, he clamped his mouth shut and nodded before choosing something. She did just as well on the second and third songs and the crowd only got bigger by the time they finished their set.