Yesterday Was A Fluke

Keith eventually fell into an uneasy sleep after the information overload from talking to Frostine but he did get some excellent news when he woke up. The email he had been waiting for arrived!

He had officially been accepted as a volunteer firefighter and needed to start his training this weekend. He debated about telling Joss over text before deciding he would rather see her reaction in person. Maybe he could suggest they do something to celebrate. 

Even if he did like her, he couldn't ruin the dynamic they had. It was normal to celebrate things with friends, wasn't it? 

The morning seemed to drag on before he was able to tell her. He rollerbladed into the lobby of her office in excitement and found she was leaning against a counter looking rather pensive. 

"Joss, I did it! I got in!" 

She looked up at the sound of her name and a brilliant smile spread across her face. "That's great, Keith! Congratulations. When do you start?"