How Had He Done It?

Weeks passed and Jocelyn still didn't know what she was supposed to do about these new developments. She saw Delta less and was fairly certain it was because he was busy with his volunteer fire department training. But when she did see him, he acted more lighthearted than usual. 

It seemed her pep talk had gotten to him. Around her at least, he wasn't keeping up his more Mercury-like persona anymore. 

She was glad. He shouldn't have to be anyone but himself. 

Jocelyn also saw Keith a lot more. In addition to her daily orders at the Lucky Lotus, they went out to dinner at least twice a week. He hadn't been joking about that restaurant tour. All of the places he took her to were delicious so she couldn't possibly decide which she liked best. 

She was genuinely enjoying spending more time with him but didn't know what this meant going forward. Did he like her or not? She hadn't figured that out yet through observation alone.